Statistics Canada
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Table 14
Farm supply and disposition of oilseeds, Prairie provinces, by crop year

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Farm supply and disposition of oilseeds, Prairie provinces, by crop year: Part 1
  Average  2003/2004 to  2007/2008 Total August to June
2007/2008  2008/2009 r 2008/2009 r 2009/2010 p
Area harvested  
Thousands of hectares 658 524 625 625 623
Thousands of acres 1,625 1,295 1,545 1,545 1,540
Kilograms per hectare 1,180 1,200 1,400 1,400 1,500
Bushels per acre 18.7 19.3 21.9 21.9 23.8
  thousands of metric tonnes
Stocks on farms 117 198 25 25 165
Production 777 634 861 861 930
Total supplies 893 832 886 886 1,095
Deliveries 607 615 544 510 680
Seed requirements 29 27 29 .. ..
Animal feed, waste and dockage 150 164 148 .. ..
Ending Stocks 108 25 165 .. ..
Total disposition 893 832 886 .. ..
Farm supply and disposition of oilseeds, Prairie provinces, by crop year: Part 2
  Average  2003/2004 to  2007/2008 Total August to June
2007/2008  2008/2009 r 2008/2009 r 2009/2010 p
Area harvested  
Thousands of hectares 5,206 6,277 6,434 6,434 6,046
Thousands of acres 12,863 15,510 15,900 15,900 14,940
Kilograms per hectare 1,600 1,500 1,900 1,900 1,900
Bushels per acre 28.8 27.0 34.7 34.7 34.6
  thousands of metric tonnes
Stocks on farms 656 675 520 520 975
Production 8,409 9,507 12,528 12,528 11,716
Total supplies 9,065 10,182 13,048 13,048 12,691
Deliveries 8,090 9,451 11,587 10,739 10,595
Seed requirements 41 47 47 .. ..
Animal feed, waste and dockage 244 165 439 .. ..
Ending stocks 690 520 975 .. ..
Total disposition 9,065 10,182 13,048 .. ..