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Field Crop Reporting Series November Estimate of Production of Principal Field Crops, Canada

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November estimate of production of principal field crops, Canada, 2008

The final crop report for 2008 revealed that Prairie farmers harvested a record 12.5 million tonnes of canola and a record 3.6 million tonnes of dry field peas. In eastern Canada, soybean production rose considerably with a record 600,000 tonnes of soybeans harvested in Quebec.

Growing and harvest conditions are always variable across Western Canada, but reports indicate that the fall harvest was slightly ahead of time and crop quality was above average. Cool and wet conditions held back the harvest in early fall, but little frost damage and improved conditions allowed progress to end up slightly ahead of normal. Year end crop yields were mainly up from interim estimates with highest ever yields recorded for spring wheat, barley, canola and oats.

Canola production easily a record

Prairie canola production rose to 12.5 million tonnes, up 32.8% from 2007. The previous record for canola was 9.4 million tonnes grown in 2007. The production increase was the result of record yields and harvested areas.

In the Prairie provinces where 99% of canola is grown, farmers reported record production in each province. Harvested area was a record in all three provinces, and record yields were reported in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Dry field peas a record

Prairie farmers harvested a record amount of field peas. The production of field peas, used primarily as animal feed reached 3.6 million tonnes, up 21.7% from 2.9 million tonnes in 2007. Robust yield and record harvest area combined to produce this record.

Production in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta all rose. Production in Saskatchewan was a record 2.7 million tonnes, and production in Alberta was a record 731,400 tonnes.

More soybeans in the East

Total soybean production rose 23.7% to 3.3 million tonnes, just short of the record production of 3.5 million tonnes produced in 2006. Production increased in both Quebec and Ontario where over 90% of soybeans are grown.

Production in Quebec rose 27.1% to a record 600,000 tonnes, an amount easily greater than the previous high of 535,000 tonnes set in 2006. The production increase is the result of a rise in harvested area to a record 565,900 acres, up 30.5% from 2007.

Soybean production in Ontario rose by 476,300 tonnes to 2.5 million tonnes, up 23.8% from 2007, the result of a 10.4 bushel per acre increase in yield to a near record 43.4 bushels per acre.