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Appendix tables

Appendix Table A1 The variables used in this study

Appendix Table A2 Descriptive statistics

Appendix Table A3 Population growth model: all communities, rural and urban, 1981 to 2006

Appendix Table A4 Population growth model: macro-regions, 1981 to 2006

Appendix Table A5 Population growth model: weighted regression, 1981 to 2006


Figure 1 The typical community with a low employment share in primary industries grew by 24% while the typical community with a high employment share in primary industries declined by 23% from 1981 to 2006

Figure 2 The typical community with a low employment share in distributive and producer services declined by 13% while the typical community with a higher employment share in these sectors grew by nearly 20% from 1981 to 2006

Figure 3 The typical community in a low density region declined by 22% while the typical community in a high density region grew by almost 40% from 1981 to 2006

Figure 4 The typical community in close proximity to an urban centre grew 19% while the typical community beyond 80 kilometres from an urban centre declined by 18% from 1981 to 2006

Figure 5 The typical community in the shadow of small urban centres declined by 18% while the typical community in the shadow of a large agglomeration grew by 15% from 1981 to 2006

Figure 6 The typical community with a more diversified economy grew by 11% while the typical community with a highly specialized economy declined by 22% from 1981 to 2006

Figure 7 The typical community located in a diversified regional economy grew nearly 20% while the typical community located in a specialized regional economy declined 20% from 1981 to 2006

Figure 8 The typical community with a lower share of post-secondary graduates declined by 10% while the typical community with a higher share of post-secondary graduates grew by 16% from 1981 to 2006

Figure 9 The typical community located in a region with a lower share of post-secondary graduates declined by 12% while the typical community located in a region with a higher share of post-secondary graduates grew by 15% from 1981 to 2006