Table 3Materials prepared for recycling by source, by province and territory

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Materials prepared for recycling by source, by province and territory
  Residential sources 1 Non-residential sources 2 All sources
2004 2006 2004 2006 2004 2006
Newfoundland and Labrador x x x x x x
Prince Edward Island x x x x x x
Nova Scotia 148,542 138,869 91,305 137,114 239,847 275,983
New Brunswick 56,977 32,675 82,285 219,499 139,262 252,174
Quebec 3 697,000 934,260 1,433,100 1,522,040 2,130,100 2,456,300
Ontario 1,380,767 1,511,467 1,033,785 885,389 2,414,552 2,396,856
Manitoba 71,384 70,239 86,108 82,560 157,492 152,799
Saskatchewan 43,263 38,578 70,920 68,290 114,183 106,868
Alberta 304,820 329,542 315,260 323,094 620,080 652,636
British Columbia 592,243 625,827 616,971 740,364 1,209,214 1,366,191
Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories and Nunavut x x x x x x
Canada 3,363,803 3,744,843 3,748,934 4,004,187 7,112,737 7,749,030
Residential non-hazardous recyclable materials include solid non-hazardous materials produced in all residences and include non-hazardous materials that are picked up by the municipality (either using its own staff or through contracting firms) and non-hazardous materials from residential sources that are self-hauled to depots, transfer stations and disposal facilities.
Non-residential sources include solid non-hazardous recyclable material from the Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (IC and I) sector as well as the Construction, Renovation and Demolition sector (CRD). Materials are those generated by all IC and I and CRD sources in a municipality, and are excluded from the residential waste stream.
Waste diversion data are derived from a survey administered by RECYC-QUÉBEC.
Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding. This information covers only those companies and local waste management organizations that reported non-hazardous recyclable material preparation activities and refers only to that material entering the waste stream and does not cover any waste that may be managed on-site by a company or household. Additionally, these data do not include those materials transported by the generator directly to secondary processors, such as, pulp and paper mills while bypassing entirely any firm or local government involved in waste management activities.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, CANSIM table 153-0042.