Electrical equipment and component manufacturing;Canada (v79875049); from Cube 38100097: Physical flow account for greenhouse gas emissions

The greenhouse gas account covers annual emissions of the residuals carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide by industry, governments, institutions, and households. The unit of measure is kilotonnes.


Series Attributes:

Unit and Multiplier:
Kilotonnes, Units


Electrical equipment and component manufacturing (BS335A0.L61)



Principal Data Sources:

Annual Industrial Consumption of Energy Survey (ICE), Statistics Canada

Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounts - Physical Flow Accounts (PFA), Statistics Canada

National Inventory Report, Greenhouse gas Sources and sinks in Canada - The Canadian's inventory Submissions to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Part 3). Unrourded data, Environment and Climate Change Canada

Personal Communication - National and provincial emissions factors for all fuels used in the National Inventory Report, Environment and Climate Change Canada

Supply and demand of natural gas liquids CANSIM 128-0012, Statistics Canada

Supply and demand of primary and secondary energy in natural units CANSIM 128-0017, Statistics Canada

Supply and demand of refined petroleum products for non energy use CANSIM 128-0013, Statistics Canada


A time series is said to be estimated by addition when it is derived by adding together two or more source data time series.
A time series is said to be estimated by multiplication when it is derived as the product of two or more other source data time series. For example, the time series for household interest revenue from Canada Savings Bonds might be derived as the product of the corresponding interest rate and bonds outstanding source data time series. Inflation is a variety of the multiplication method.

Additional Information:

Greenhouse gas emissions estimates are calculated based on the Physical flow account for energy use and emissions factors provided in the National Inventory Report on Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks (NIR) published by Environment and Climate Change Canada. Emissions from industrial processes and other sources are taken directly from the NIR and attributed to the appropriate industries using the detailed data tables that Environment and Climate Change Canada submits to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

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