Chart 3.4
Directly modified and indirectly modified areas by ecosystem type, 2016

Chart 3.4 Directly modified and indirectly modified areas by ecosystem type, 2016

Data table for Chart 3.4 
Data table for chart 3.4
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 3.4. The information is grouped by Ecosystem type (appearing as row headers), Indirectly modified areas, Directly modified areas and Total, calculated using square kilometres units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Ecosystem type Indirectly modified areas Directly modified areas Total
square kilometres
Natural and semi-natural
Forest 3,376,989 258,422 3,635,411
Grassland and natural pasture 261,132 142,613 403,745
Arctic tundra 2,468,836 0 2,468,836
Permanent snow and ice 210,305 0 210,305
Other natural and semi-natural 2,760,040 0 2,760,040
Intensive use
Arable (cropland, summerfallow and tame or seeded pasture) 0 437,945 437,945
Built-up and artificial surfaces 0 62,641 62,641
Total 9,077,302 901,620 9,978,923
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