Table 2.9
Forest sector-based communities by province, 2001 and 2016

Table 2.9
Forest sector-based communities by province, 2001 and 2016
Table summary
This table displays the results of Forest sector-based communities by province, 2001 and 2016. 2001, 2016, Census subdivisions and Population, calculated using number units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  2001 2016
Census subdivisions Population Census subdivisions Population
Total 463 863,007 105 159,420
Newfoundland and Labrador 16 9,421 0 Note ...: not applicable
Prince Edward Island 0 Note ...: not applicable 0 Note ...: not applicable
Nova Scotia 4 23,300 0 Note ...: not applicable
New Brunswick 53 61,563 12 13,203
Quebec 194 252,141 40 45,096
Ontario 51 119,775 7 9,880
Manitoba 8 13,445 0 Note ...: not applicable
Saskatchewan 8 10,612 4 5,399
Alberta 8 31,115 1 1,320
British Columbia 121 341,635 41 84,522
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