Statistics Canada
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Table 3.8
Electric and hydro-electric power generation by province and territory

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Electric and hydro-electric power generation by province and territory
  1996 2008
Total hydro generation Overall total generation Hydro as share of total Total hydro generation Overall total generation Hydro as share of total
  megawatt hours percent megawatt hours percent
Canada 351,156,044 551,888,213 63.6 372,883,539 603,059,380 61.8
Newfoundland and Labrador 35,335,636 36,816,509 96.0 41,733,865 43,161,902 96.7
Prince Edward Island . 8,824 . . 106,019 .
Nova Scotia 1,151,343 9,985,274 11.5 1,090,126 12,164,400 9.0
New Brunswick 3,472,200 15,367,673 22.6 3,489,092 14,156,182 24.6
Quebec 164,470,105 170,520,308 96.5 186,400,534 192,569,564 96.8
Ontario 41,268,967 146,584,844 28.2 39,892,188 159,530,002 25.0
Manitoba 30,865,154 31,172,371 99.0 34,588,507 35,144,419 98.4
Saskatchewan 4,385,764 16,512,150 26.6 4,029,843 18,955,933 21.3
Alberta 2,254,239 51,816,853 4.4 2,311,236 60,236,096 3.8
British Columbia 67,329,201 71,764,713 93.8 58,773,685 65,824,059 89.3
Yukon 361,175 499,962 72.2 345,872 369,934 93.5
Northwest Territories including Nunavut 262,260 838,732 31.3 .. .. ..
Northwest Territories .. .. .. 228,591 685,607 33.3
Nunavut .. .. .. 0 155,263 0.0
Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding.
Statistics Canada, CANSIM tables 127-0001 and 127-0002 (accessed May 1, 2009).