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Recent releases

Environment Accounts and Statistics Product Catalogue

Environment Accounts and Statistics Division is Statistics Canada's focal point for the collection, analysis and dissemination of environmental information. This reference guide briefly describes the division's programs, as well as all publications and electronic products offered on a quarterly, annual, biennial and occasional basis.

Released March 19, 2009 (Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 16-257-X)

Households and the Environment Survey, 2007

Statistics Canada conducts the Households and the Environment Survey every two years to measure household behaviours with respect to the environment. The survey collects information that can be used to measure changes in environmental practices at the household level. The subjects examined include energy and water conservation, drinking water source and treatment, recycling and waste reduction practices, indoor and outdoor air quality, vehicle use, and the use and disposal of potentially hazardous household substances.

Released February 10, 2009 (Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-526-X)

Lead, mercury and cadmium levels in Canadians

This article presents preliminary data on blood levels of lead, total mercury, and cadmium in Canadians from the first 8 collection sites of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS). CHMS data will be used to assess the population for a broad range of environmental chemicals, chronic diseases, nutritional status and infectious diseases. The data will also provide a baseline for emerging trends and enable comparisons with other countries.

Released November 19, 2008 (Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-X)

New developments

Northern Survey Initiatives

Kathryn Stevenson, Labour Statistics Division

Considering the vast land masses of the Canadian north—1.1 million square kilometres in the Northwest Territories, 475,000 sq km in Yukon and 1.9 million sq km in Nunavut—the total population in Canada's territories is small with just over 100,000 people or 0.3% of the total Canadian population. An increasing amount of attention is being paid to the North and it is likely that Canadians will continue to look for more information about the land and the people who live there. Projects related to International Polar Year 2007-2008, the largest-ever international program of science focused on the Arctic and Antarctic regions, provide an opportunity to increase knowledge of the Canadian North.

The Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut face similar challenges related to geography and the distribution of their populations. They also share with the provinces many of the same information needs to support programs and policy development in areas that include the economy, health, social issues and the environment.

Statistics Canada has established a Northern Survey Initiatives position to engage its Territorial counterparts on a range of issues related to conducting household surveys.  Data quality, response burden, highlighting data already collected in the North and discussing best practices for collection are all components of the initiative.  For more information, please contact labour@statcan.gc.ca.

CANSIM tables and updates

CANSIM is Statistics Canada's key socio-economic database.

The following tables have been added to CANSIM:

CANSIM table 153-0059 , Households and the environment survey, use of energy-saving lights, Canada and provinces

CANSIM table 153-0060 , Households and the environment survey, use of thermostats, Canada and provinces

CANSIM table 153-0061 , Households and the environment survey, radon awareness and testing, Canada and provinces

CANSIM table 153-0062 , Households and the environment survey, dwelling's main source of water, Canada and provinces

CANSIM table 153-0063 , Households and the environment survey, primary type of drinking water consumed, Canada and provinces

CANSIM table 153-0064 , Households and the environment survey, use of fertilizer and pesticides, Canada and provinces

CANSIM table 153-0065 , Households and the environment survey, awareness of air quality advisories and their influence on behaviours, Canada and provinces

CANSIM table 153-0066 , Households and the environment survey, treatment of drinking water, Canada and provinces

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