Table 2
Domestic industrial greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of exports, 1990 and 2002

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  1990 2002p Share of total 1990 Share of total 2002p
kilotonnes percent
Agricultural, forestry, fishing and trapping products 20,357 23,212 11.5 8.8
Mineral fuels 26,419 61,953 15 23.4
Non-metallic minerals, metal ores and concentrates 6,799 5,722 3.9 2.2
Services incidental to mining 0 98 0.0 0.0
Food products 7,289 16,038 4.1 6.1
Beverages and tobacco products 787 401 0.4 0.2
Leather, rubber and plastic products 1,382 2,534 0.8 1.0
Textile products, hosiery, clothing and accessories 2,072 2,045 1.2 0.8
Lumber, wood products, furniture and fixtures 4,234 8,253 2.4 3.1
Pulp and paper products 19,603 18,986 11.1 7.2
Printing and publishing 197 571 0.1 0.2
Primary metal and other metal products 16,737 20,992 9.5 7.9
Machinery and equipment 2,278 4,134 1.3 1.6
Motor vehicle, other transport equipment and parts 10,852 15,352 6.2 5.8
Electrical, electronic and communication products 1,665 2,994 0.9 1.1
Non-metallic mineral products 1,870 3,685 1.1 1.4
Petroleum and coal products 10,241 12,836 5.8 4.9
Chemicals, pharmaceuticals and chemical products 12,876 17,159 7.3 6.5
Other manufactured products 1,378 1,561 0.8 0.6
Transportation and storage 10,067 15,901 5.7 6.0
Communications services 303 411 0.2 0.2
Other utilities 2,577 7,150 1.5 2.7
Wholesaling, retailing margins and transportation margins 11,906 15,362 6.8 5.8
Other finance, insurance and real estate services 896 1,808 0.5 0.7
Business and computer services 737 3,549 0.4 1.3
Private education services 83 175 0.0 0.1
Health and social services 12 13 0.0 0.0
Accommodation services and meals 1,933 116 1.1 0.0
Other services 780 1,220 0.4 0.5
Sales of other government services 33 125 0.0 0.0
Total 176,363 264,358 100.0 100.0
Data source: Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Table source: Statistics Canada, 2007, EnviroStats, volume 1, number 2, "A demand perspective on greenhouse gas emissions," catalogue number 16-002-XWE.