Table 6
Recycling participation in Canada by access type and province, 2007

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Recycling participation in Canada by access type and province, 2007
  With curbside access Without curbside access
Recycled 1 Recycled all 2 Recycled 1 Recycled all 2
Canada 98 55 92 34
Newfoundland and Labrador 91 33 E 90 32
Prince Edward Island 99 56 F F
Nova Scotia 99 53 98 F
New Brunswick 93 33 86 23
Quebec 98 58 77 F
Ontario 99 57 95 49
Manitoba 95 41 89 30
Saskatchewan 99 27 93 22
Alberta 95 38 93 32
British Columbia 99 56 92 38
Participating households as a percentage of households with the given type of access.
Households that recycled all waste as a percentage of participating households with the given type of access.
Statistics Canada, Households and the Environment Survey, 2007 (survey no. 3881).