Appendix II: Methodology

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Quantity recycled

The proportion of waste recycled was calculated by taking the un-weighted average of the amount of waste that was recycled by a household. Only materials that could be recycled by a given household were added to either the numerator or the denominator. The final total was mapped to a set of values between 0 (no waste recycled for any type) and 3 (all waste recycled for all types).

Recycled none of their waste
More than 0 to less than 1
Recycled more than none to some of their waste
1 to less than 2
Recycled more than some but less than most of their waste
2 to less than 3
Recycled more than most but less than all of their waste
Recycled all of their waste


Rates are used to express the proportional significance of a behaviour or a characteristic in a population.

Recycling participation rate


Number of respondents that indicated that they had recycled some quantity of waste during an average week in the 12 months preceding the 2007 Household and the Environment Survey.


Number of respondents that potentially could have recycled some quantity of waste during the reference period. Excludes all households that did not have access to any recycling program and all households that did not state any information about their recycling practices.

Recycled all waste rate


Number of participating respondents who indicated that they had recycled all their waste for each of the waste types that they were able to recycle during the reference period.


Number of participating respondents who potentially could have recycled all their waste. Includes all households that recycled during the reference period.

Access to Recycling Rates


Number of respondents who indicated that they did not have access to a recycling program of any kind.


All households
