Table 11
Reasons for not irrigating in 2007 or for stopping irrigation during the 2007 growing season

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Reasons for not irrigating in 2007 or for stopping irrigation during the 2007 growing season
  Surveyed operations who did not irrigate or had to stop irrigation Reason for not irrigating or for stopping irrigation
Shortage of surface water Shortage of underground water Equipment failure Poor water quality Cost of water Weather Water ban Crop did not require irrigation Labour shortage Fuel or energy cost Other reason
Canada 4,850 590 F 2,075 F F 2,575 F 1,315 F 320 E 455 E
Atlantic region 80 15 E F 20 E 0 0 50 E 0 F F F F
Quebec and Ontario 1,090 300 F 385 F F 495 F F F F F
Prairies 1,970 F F 1,175 F F 885 F 595 F 185 E F
British Columbia 1,705 115 E F 495 F F 1,140 F 700 F F 125 E
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, Agricultural Water Use Survey (survey no. 5145).