Table 3Tenure and thermostats, 2006

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Tenure and thermostats, 2006
  Households in Canada 1 Had a thermostat 2 Lowered the temperature when asleep 3 Had a programmable thermostat 3 Programmable thermostat Unprogrammed or non-programmable thermostat
That was programmed 4 To lower the temperature when asleep 5 Lowered the temperature when asleep 6
Owned 68 96 58 46 85 70 49
Rented 32 75 41 22 72 48 40
Canada 100 90 53 40 83 68 46
As a percentage of all households.
As a percentage of all households in that tenure category.
As a percentage of all households in that tenure category that have a thermostat.
As a percentage of all households in that tenure category that have a programmable thermostat.
As a percentage of all households in that tenure category that have a programmable thermostat that was programmed.
As a percentage of all households in that tenure category that have an unprogrammed or non-programmable thermostat.
Statistics Canada, Households and the Environment Survey, 2006.