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More informationNote of appreciation Note of appreciationCanada owes the success of its statistical system to a long-standing partnership between Statistics Canada, the citizens of Canada, its businesses, governments and other institutions. Accurate and timely statistical information could not be produced without their continued co-operation and goodwill. Standards of service to the publicStatistics Canada is committed to serving its clients in a prompt, reliable and courteous manner and in the official language of their choice. To this end, the agency has developed standards of service which its employees observe in serving its clients. To obtain a copy of these service standards, please contact us. AcknowledgementsThe surveys described in this study were undertaken by Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division. Funding in support of the development of additional information about the environment industry and its place in the Canadian economy was provided by the Environmental Affairs Branch of Industry Canada. The report was written by Rowena Orok of the Environment Accounts and Statistics Division. Specific inquiries about this product and related statistics or services should be directed to:
CopyrightPublished by authority of the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada. © Minister of Industry, 2005 Use of this publication is governed by the Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement. Catalogue no. 16-001-MIE2005002 Frequency: Occasional ISBN 0-662-41163-3 Ottawa |