Table 3-19
Gross domestic product at basic prices, by industry, monthly, quarterly and annual — Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing

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Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing: Part 1

Table summary
This table displays the results of electrical equipment seasonally adjusted at annual rates and january, calculated using january, february, march, april, may, june and millions of chained (2002) dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  Seasonally adjusted at annual rates
January February March April May June
  millions of chained (2002) dollars
All industries - [T001]  
2006 1,184,765 1,187,443 1,190,174 1,190,411 1,190,914 1,188,967
2007 1,200,465 1,208,104 1,210,907 1,212,927 1,218,047 1,220,765
2008 1,231,699 1,228,799 1,230,459 1,231,518 1,232,078 1,233,539
2009 1,201,559 1,197,309 1,189,498 1,186,409 1,183,091 1,185,467
2010 1,215,618 1,219,635 1,224,822 1,225,974 1,230,359 1,233,456
2011 1,260,530 1,258,477 1,260,552 1,260,166 1,256,876 1,259,602
2012 1,282,445 1,279,743 1,281,450 1,286,074 1,286,792 1,287,527
Electrical equipment, appliance
and component manufacturing - [335]
2006 3,441 3,340 3,256 3,164 3,241 3,134
2007 3,189 3,254 3,261 3,275 3,304 3,308
2008 3,221 3,261 3,304 3,347 3,302 3,422
2009 3,195 3,057 2,983 2,984 2,897 2,913
2010 2,911 2,825 2,922 3,029 3,146 3,002
2011 3,368 3,300 3,366 3,255 3,401 3,228
2012 3,292 3,231 3,359 3,268 3,225 3,258
Electric lighting equipment
manufacturing - [3351]
2006 489 465 439 434 442 450
2007 463 473 458 451 431 418
2008 461 457 472 477 476 485
2009 440 441 418 421 415 409
2010 409 395 393 410 423 409
2011 437 427 445 419 435 414
2012 412 419 442 488 443 466
Household appliance manufacturing
- [3352]
2006 544 538 536 526 544 530
2007 500 483 482 471 469 493
2008 464 465 457 474 438 457
2009 471 466 441 431 432 425
2010 406 400 439 465 487 461
2011 460 432 404 375 374 355
2012 357 368 386 397 381 379
Electrical equipment manufacturing
- [3353]
2006 1,317 1,290 1,257 1,233 1,298 1,219
2007 1,281 1,262 1,283 1,304 1,327 1,319
2008 1,293 1,310 1,339 1,317 1,325 1,396
2009 1,356 1,289 1,312 1,320 1,262 1,276
2010 1,211 1,161 1,154 1,186 1,269 1,154
2011 1,335 1,303 1,388 1,304 1,385 1,359
2012 1,442 1,400 1,444 1,362 1,370 1,438
Other electrical equipment
and component manufacturing - [3359]
2006 1,092 1,051 1,029 975 963 942
2007 946 1,035 1,037 1,045 1,072 1,075
2008 998 1,023 1,028 1,072 1,050 1,071
2009 929 864 813 812 789 803
2010 880 864 937 970 971 979
2011 1,126 1,123 1,108 1,133 1,177 1,073
2012 1,053 1,021 1,063 1,001 1,009 953
Communication and energy wire
and cable manufacturing - [33592]
2006 468 431 426 409 419 391
2007 412 456 454 460 476 486
2008 417 439 436 442 417 434
2009 390 352 344 328 310 329
2010 333 308 349 368 382 362
2011 439 448 433 419 420 401
2012 379 355 351 353 353 346
Battery, wiring devices and
miscellaneous electrical equipment manufacturing - [3359X]
2006 626 622 606 567 547 555
2007 537 582 586 586 598 590
2008 583 587 595 632 636 640
2009 541 515 471 486 482 476
2010 549 558 590 604 591 620
2011 690 679 678 716 760 674
2012 677 668 714 650 659 609
Electric equipment and component
manufacturing - [335A]
2006 2,896 2,803 2,722 2,639 2,700 2,607
2007 2,688 2,766 2,774 2,797 2,827 2,809
2008 2,749 2,787 2,835 2,863 2,848 2,948
2009 2,718 2,590 2,537 2,546 2,461 2,482
2010 2,496 2,416 2,480 2,563 2,659 2,540
2011 2,894 2,850 2,936 2,852 2,993 2,840
2012 2,901 2,834 2,943 2,846 2,817 2,851

Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing: Part 2

Table summary
This table displays the results of electrical equipment seasonally adjusted at annual rates and july, calculated using july, august, september, october, november, december and millions of chained (2002) dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  Seasonally adjusted at annual rates
July August September October November December
  millions of chained (2002) dollars
All industries - [T001]  
2006 1,191,165 1,192,085 1,190,448 1,192,434 1,195,178 1,202,852
2007 1,220,709 1,225,264 1,226,322 1,226,828 1,230,845 1,226,593
2008 1,237,265 1,233,387 1,232,381 1,232,513 1,224,450 1,209,350
2009 1,187,403 1,186,028 1,193,930 1,196,650 1,204,421 1,206,762
2010 1,235,077 1,238,798 1,237,626 1,241,146 1,247,785 1,256,861
2011 1,265,712 1,272,208 1,274,867 1,275,012 1,274,094 1,280,982
2012 1,290,088 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Electrical equipment, appliance
and component manufacturing - [335]
2006 3,110 3,229 3,242 3,264 3,107 3,136
2007 3,250 3,203 3,216 3,178 3,237 3,132
2008 3,420 3,395 3,294 3,405 3,439 3,390
2009 3,013 2,850 2,929 2,880 2,831 2,870
2010 3,047 3,162 3,182 3,221 3,265 3,190
2011 3,157 3,170 3,140 3,210 3,219 3,337
2012 3,328 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Electric lighting equipment
manufacturing - [3351]
2006 450 458 438 443 424 432
2007 431 429 437 446 435 410
2008 465 474 456 456 484 490
2009 414 400 414 408 385 392
2010 410 422 417 438 423 426
2011 436 435 445 432 419 404
2012 461 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Household appliance manufacturing
- [3352]
2006 520 503 509 549 523 502
2007 499 448 465 446 484 460
2008 520 507 504 496 466 500
2009 427 439 435 458 410 367
2010 451 437 420 428 416 419
2011 355 342 340 326 348 387
2012 388 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Electrical equipment manufacturing
- [3353]
2006 1,235 1,340 1,369 1,330 1,242 1,302
2007 1,255 1,317 1,272 1,275 1,302 1,295
2008 1,358 1,362 1,336 1,402 1,455 1,344
2009 1,344 1,214 1,214 1,180 1,172 1,237
2010 1,195 1,234 1,245 1,248 1,293 1,288
2011 1,283 1,351 1,301 1,421 1,393 1,475
2012 1,462 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Other electrical equipment
and component manufacturing - [3359]
2006 911 930 928 947 922 902
2007 1,068 1,002 1,040 1,006 1,013 962
2008 1,079 1,052 1,002 1,050 1,025 1,053
2009 826 801 866 841 862 862
2010 988 1,060 1,087 1,093 1,117 1,045
2011 1,057 1,014 1,025 998 1,031 1,050
2012 995 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Communication and energy wire
and cable manufacturing - [33592]
2006 364 379 375 380 394 352
2007 476 428 442 447 424 379
2008 481 439 402 434 398 409
2009 318 332 318 308 344 322
2010 383 394 407 405 414 430
2011 413 379 387 370 378 409
2012 347 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Battery, wiring devices and
miscellaneous electrical equipment manufacturing - [3359X]
2006 551 555 556 571 531 553
2007 593 576 600 560 591 585
2008 602 616 603 619 630 647
2009 510 471 550 535 520 542
2010 608 668 682 691 705 618
2011 647 637 640 630 655 643
2012 650 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Electric equipment and component
manufacturing - [335A]
2006 2,593 2,724 2,732 2,717 2,585 2,634
2007 2,749 2,746 2,745 2,723 2,747 2,665
2008 2,898 2,884 2,789 2,902 2,958 2,884
2009 2,577 2,410 2,490 2,425 2,414 2,486
2010 2,591 2,713 2,746 2,777 2,829 2,754
2011 2,772 2,795 2,767 2,846 2,837 2,921
2012 2,911 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period

Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing: Part 3

Table summary
This table displays the results of electrical equipment seasonally adjusted at annual rates, annual and first quarter, calculated using first quarter, second quarter, third quarter, fourth quarter and millions of chained (2002) dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  Seasonally adjusted at annual rates Annual
First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter
  millions of chained (2002) dollars
All industries - [T001]  
2006 1,187,461 1,190,097 1,191,233 1,196,821 1,191,403
2007 1,206,492 1,217,246 1,224,098 1,228,089 1,218,981
2008 1,230,319 1,232,378 1,234,344 1,222,104 1,229,786
2009 1,196,122 1,184,989 1,189,120 1,202,611 1,193,211
2010 1,220,025 1,229,930 1,237,167 1,248,597 1,233,930
2011 1,259,853 1,258,881 1,270,929 1,276,696 1,266,590
2012 1,281,213 1,286,798 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Electrical equipment, appliance
and component manufacturing - [335]
2006 3,346 3,180 3,194 3,169 3,222
2007 3,235 3,296 3,223 3,182 3,234
2008 3,262 3,357 3,370 3,411 3,350
2009 3,078 2,931 2,931 2,860 2,950
2010 2,886 3,059 3,130 3,225 3,075
2011 3,345 3,295 3,156 3,255 3,263
2012 3,294 3,250 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Electric lighting equipment
manufacturing - [3351]
2006 464 442 449 433 447
2007 465 433 432 430 440
2008 463 479 465 477 471
2009 433 415 409 395 413
2010 399 414 416 429 415
2011 436 423 439 418 429
2012 424 466 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Household appliance manufacturing
- [3352]
2006 539 533 511 525 527
2007 488 478 471 463 475
2008 462 456 510 487 479
2009 459 429 434 412 434
2010 415 471 436 421 436
2011 432 368 346 354 375
2012 370 386 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Electrical equipment manufacturing
- [3353]
2006 1,288 1,250 1,315 1,291 1,286
2007 1,275 1,317 1,281 1,291 1,291
2008 1,314 1,346 1,352 1,400 1,353
2009 1,319 1,286 1,257 1,196 1,265
2010 1,175 1,203 1,225 1,276 1,220
2011 1,342 1,349 1,312 1,430 1,358
2012 1,429 1,390 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Other electrical equipment
and component manufacturing - [3359]
2006 1,057 960 923 924 966
2007 1,006 1,064 1,037 994 1,025
2008 1,016 1,064 1,044 1,043 1,042
2009 869 801 831 855 839
2010 894 973 1,045 1,085 999
2011 1,119 1,128 1,032 1,026 1,076
2012 1,046 988 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Communication and energy wire
and cable manufacturing - [33592]
2006 442 406 373 375 399
2007 441 474 449 417 445
2008 431 431 441 414 429
2009 362 322 323 325 333
2010 330 371 395 416 378
2011 440 413 393 386 408
2012 362 351 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Battery, wiring devices and
miscellaneous electrical equipment manufacturing - [3359X]
2006 618 556 554 552 570
2007 568 591 590 579 582
2008 588 636 607 632 616
2009 509 481 510 532 508
2010 566 605 653 671 624
2011 682 717 641 643 671
2012 686 639 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Electric equipment and component
manufacturing - [335A]
2006 2,807 2,649 2,683 2,645 2,696
2007 2,743 2,811 2,747 2,712 2,753
2008 2,790 2,886 2,857 2,915 2,862
2009 2,615 2,496 2,492 2,442 2,511
2010 2,464 2,587 2,683 2,787 2,630
2011 2,893 2,895 2,778 2,868 2,859
2012 2,893 2,838 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period