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Real gross domestic product increased 0.5% in December after growing by 0.4% in November and 0.3% in October. As was the case in November, production increased in most major industrial sectors in December.
Note to readers
The monthly gross domestic product (GDP) by industry data at basic prices are chained volume estimates with 2002 as their reference year. This means that the data for each industry and aggregate are obtained from a chained volume index multiplied by the industry's value added in 2002. For the 1997 to 2007 period, the monthly data are benchmarked to annually chained Fisher volume indexes of GDP obtained from the constant-price input-output tables.
For the period starting with January 2008, the data are derived by chaining a fixed-weight Laspeyres volume index to the prior period. The fixed weights are the industry output and input prices of 2007. This makes the monthly GDP by industry data more comparable with the expenditure-based GDP data, chained quarterly.
With this release of monthly GDP by industry, revisions have been made back to January 2010. For more information about monthly GDP by industry, see the National Economic Accounts module on our website (www.statcan.gc.ca/nea-cen/index-eng.htm).
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