15-001-XIE Gross Domestic Product by Industry December 2001 |
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Note to users and revisions
The July 2001 release of monthly gross domestic product (GDP) by industry
introduced major classification and conceptual changes. The most important
of these are: replacement of the 1980 Standard Industrial Classification
(SIC) with the 1997 North American Industrial Classification System
(NAICS); rebasing from 1992 to 1997 prices, i.e., updating the price
structure used to derive constant dollar GDP; a change in valuation
from factor cost to basic prices; the capitalization of computer software.
For more information, consult Appendix IIa
of this publication.
The GDP of an industry is the value added by labour
and capital in transforming inputs purchased from other industries into
outputs. The estimates presented here are seasonally adjusted at annual
rates and are valued at 1997 prices.
This issue of 15-001-XIE contains revised estimates
of Gross Domestic Product by industry back to January 2001.
All current and historical statistics on Gross Domestic Product (Table Nos. 3790017-3790022), as well as many other series are available to the public
from Statistics Canada's computerized data bank CANSIM II
(Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System) via terminal,
on computer printouts, or in machine readable form.
See also - Appendix III: Series identifiers for CANSIM II tables.
For further information, please visit CANSIM II.
This publication was prepared under the direction of:
H. Messinger, Director, Industry Measures and Analysis Division |
T. Horricks, Assistant Director, Industry Measures and Analysis Division |
J. MacMillan, Chief, Monthly GDP Section |
Note of appreciation
Canada owes the success of its statistical system to a long-standing partnership between Statistics Canada, the citizens of Canada, its businesses, governments and other institutions. Accurate and timely statistical information could not be produced without their continued co-operation and goodwill.
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