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Table 4 Gross domestic product at basic prices in chained (1997) dollars, monthly, quarterly (seasonally adjusted at annual rates) and annual

IMAD code and industry   I II III IV Annual Code   Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
  millions $
32612 Plastic pipe, pipe fitting and unsupported profile shape manufacturing 2000 674 674 697 759 701 32612 2000 662 674 686 664 675 682 697 688 705 710 750 818
2001 694 691 707 712 701   2001 688 711 682 688 679 707 688 728 705 732 707 697
2002 702 772 813 802 772   2002 704 704 697 761 766 788 797 808 834 809 797 799
2003 774 724 727 732 739   2003 767 772 783 727 730 714 744 717 719 730 754 711
2004 765 790 722 747 756   2004 762 753 779 800 758 813 748 719 698 721 719 802
2005 711 713 716 724 716   2005 680 735 719 704 727 708 675 737 735 720 712 740
2006 680 663 681 .. ..   2006 696 682 661 662 671 655 664 677 703 680 654 ..
3261X Laminated plastic, plastic bottle and foam product manufacturing 2000 920 899 934 912 916 3261X 2000 909 914 937 909 903 884 945 934 922 901 878 958
2001 906 882 843 850 870   2001 895 952 870 873 898 874 857 855 817 851 852 846
2002 920 985 959 916 945   2002 906 917 938 969 993 992 980 1,009 888 880 917 951
2003 904 897 926 932 915   2003 860 917 936 875 897 920 904 926 948 956 909 932
2004 917 931 947 933 932   2004 905 910 935 936 947 911 952 936 954 948 949 901
2005 913 924 901 946 921   2005 917 916 905 922 909 942 877 920 905 899 1,002 938
2006 949 918 930 .. ..   2006 974 943 931 884 941 928 927 949 913 931 933 ..
32619 Other plastic product manufacturing 2000 3,836 3,953 4,209 4,185 4,046 32619 2000 3,823 3,736 3,949 3,822 4,015 4,023 4,041 4,195 4,390 4,379 4,217 3,960
2001 3,882 4,094 4,133 4,239 4,087   2001 3,858 3,976 3,813 3,970 4,143 4,169 4,023 4,192 4,183 4,205 4,303 4,209
2002 4,409 4,639 4,551 4,416 4,504   2002 4,359 4,420 4,449 4,692 4,553 4,673 4,595 4,705 4,353 4,310 4,353 4,586
2003 4,687 4,424 4,632 4,781 4,631   2003 4,778 4,681 4,603 4,416 4,458 4,397 4,641 4,456 4,799 4,811 4,950 4,582
2004 4,504 4,603 4,504 4,305 4,479   2004 4,360 4,507 4,645 4,582 4,584 4,642 4,825 4,403 4,285 4,330 4,236 4,349
2005 4,211 4,263 4,383 4,448 4,326   2005 4,243 4,233 4,156 4,253 4,287 4,248 4,245 4,472 4,432 4,411 4,458 4,474
2006 4,328 4,094 3,955 .. ..   2006 4,420 4,314 4,249 4,179 4,028 4,074 4,018 3,946 3,902 3,842 3,755 ..
326193 Motor vehicle plastic parts manufacturing 2000 1,190 1,349 1,409 1,375 1,331 326193 2000 1,188 1,153 1,230 1,316 1,376 1,355 1,242 1,408 1,578 1,479 1,440 1,207
2001 1,397 1,464 1,565 1,562 1,497   2001 1,290 1,428 1,472 1,377 1,496 1,519 1,510 1,623 1,563 1,561 1,584 1,541
2002 1,558 1,595 1,531 1,495 1,545   2002 1,554 1,544 1,576 1,657 1,581 1,548 1,493 1,685 1,416 1,447 1,501 1,538
2003 1,644 1,598 1,684 1,678 1,651   2003 1,634 1,662 1,635 1,600 1,602 1,592 1,689 1,626 1,737 1,690 1,693 1,652
2004 1,599 1,687 1,636 1,555 1,619   2004 1,512 1,602 1,683 1,698 1,654 1,708 1,895 1,555 1,457 1,548 1,486 1,630
2005 1,485 1,500 1,594 1,601 1,545   2005 1,512 1,484 1,459 1,460 1,528 1,513 1,537 1,623 1,621 1,589 1,614 1,600
2006 1,545 1,495 1,479 .. ..   2006 1,556 1,573 1,507 1,517 1,415 1,553 1,522 1,454 1,460 1,441 1,424 ..
32619A Rubber product manufacturing 2000 2,638 2,610 2,803 2,809 2,715 32619A 2000 2,627 2,575 2,713 2,512 2,645 2,672 2,791 2,791 2,826 2,904 2,781 2,743
2001 2,496 2,640 2,585 2,691 2,603   2001 2,571 2,558 2,360 2,599 2,658 2,662 2,529 2,590 2,636 2,659 2,733 2,681
2002 2,860 3,052 3,024 2,928 2,966   2002 2,815 2,883 2,883 3,046 2,980 3,129 3,102 3,032 2,939 2,869 2,860 3,054
2003 3,055 2,839 2,962 3,112 2,992   2003 3,151 3,033 2,980 2,829 2,868 2,819 2,966 2,845 3,076 3,131 3,264 2,942
2004 2,918 2,930 2,881 2,763 2,873   2004 2,856 2,917 2,981 2,900 2,941 2,949 2,955 2,855 2,834 2,793 2,759 2,736
2005 2,735 2,772 2,802 2,859 2,792   2005 2,742 2,758 2,705 2,798 2,770 2,749 2,721 2,862 2,822 2,835 2,857 2,885
2006 2,794 2,612 2,492 .. ..   2006 2,874 2,755 2,752 2,675 2,622 2,539 2,513 2,506 2,457 2,416 2,347 ..
3262 Rubber product manufacturing 2000 2,256 2,270 2,213 2,164 2,226 3262 2000 2,270 2,269 2,229 2,254 2,274 2,283 2,244 2,189 2,205 2,185 2,217 2,091
2001 2,228 2,204 2,198 2,098 2,182   2001 2,231 2,186 2,266 2,198 2,237 2,178 2,205 2,192 2,198 2,119 2,122 2,052
2002 2,206 2,379 2,285 2,258 2,282   2002 2,187 2,192 2,239 2,404 2,367 2,365 2,344 2,324 2,188 2,273 2,207 2,294
2003 2,135 2,122 2,288 2,360 2,226   2003 2,099 2,133 2,173 2,134 2,126 2,105 2,339 2,210 2,314 2,334 2,359 2,386
2004 2,342 2,227 2,172 2,158 2,225   2004 2,318 2,369 2,340 2,243 2,248 2,191 2,208 2,161 2,147 2,152 2,157 2,166
2005 2,179 2,191 2,183 2,163 2,179   2005 2,180 2,249 2,107 2,203 2,172 2,198 2,104 2,234 2,211 2,192 2,141 2,157
2006 2,138 2,105 2,084 .. ..   2006 2,172 2,096 2,145 2,108 2,106 2,101 2,043 2,137 2,073 2,015 2,118 ..
32621 Tire manufacturing 2000 753 704 714 785 739 32621 2000 791 769 699 697 708 706 707 714 721 740 789 827
2001 903 979 998 924 951   2001 884 851 974 940 1,018 979 1,010 983 1,000 963 945 865
2002 952 990 965 928 959   2002 948 941 968 1,011 974 986 959 981 955 959 925 901
2003 911 931 985 1,025 963   2003 927 915 891 925 914 955 1,040 914 1,001 990 1,043 1,041
2004 1,017 970 942 948 969   2004 1,010 1,014 1,027 977 986 946 963 937 925 945 931 967
2005 957 968 952 867 936   2005 953 975 943 981 948 976 942 978 936 905 842 853
2006 834 788 749 .. ..   2006 854 820 829 802 798 763 756 760 732 760 783 ..
32622 Rubber and plastic hose and belting manufacturing 2000 199 202 210 221 208 32622 2000 199 199 200 199 199 207 206 207 216 216 224 224
2001 228 238 242 247 239   2001 226 230 228 239 237 239 244 242 241 245 250 247
2002 257 264 254 250 256   2002 257 262 252 274 264 253 259 256 246 252 245 252
2003 243 232 234 223 233   2003 240 239 249 239 237 221 228 240 234 227 225 217
2004 216 201 203 196 204   2004 212 225 211 203 198 202 201 198 209 191 199 199
2005 199 199 193 205 199   2005 202 199 196 196 199 201 199 184 196 204 205 207
2006 207 219 227 .. ..   2006 207 201 214 220 217 221 217 218 245 214 230 ..