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Table 4 Gross domestic product at basic prices in chained (1997) dollars, monthly, quarterly (seasonally adjusted at annual rates) and annual

IMAD code and industry   I II III IV Annual Code   Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
  millions $
5415 Computer systems design and related services 2000 8,763 8,944 9,315 9,619 9,160 5415 2000 8,779 8,752 8,757 8,951 8,906 8,974 9,204 9,327 9,414 9,486 9,646 9,724
2001 9,998 10,287 10,322 10,393 10,250   2001 9,910 9,937 10,148 10,278 10,308 10,275 10,310 10,328 10,328 10,409 10,370 10,399
2002 10,527 10,829 11,144 11,492 10,998   2002 10,428 10,556 10,596 10,803 10,785 10,900 11,005 11,140 11,288 11,299 11,494 11,682
2003 11,911 12,070 12,079 12,217 12,069   2003 11,812 11,923 11,997 11,979 12,172 12,059 12,080 12,022 12,134 12,124 12,236 12,290
2004 12,293 12,364 12,529 12,671 12,464   2004 12,262 12,285 12,331 12,258 12,387 12,446 12,438 12,561 12,587 12,661 12,658 12,694
2005 12,748 12,894 13,032 13,099 12,943   2005 12,730 12,741 12,772 12,848 12,892 12,941 13,022 13,022 13,052 13,077 13,098 13,121
2006 13,247 13,349 13,486 .. ..   2006 13,201 13,240 13,299 13,314 13,353 13,380 13,440 13,459 13,558 13,594 13,624 ..
5418 Advertising and related services 2000 2,319 2,314 2,375 2,464 2,368 5418 2000 2,325 2,322 2,311 2,307 2,288 2,347 2,345 2,341 2,439 2,448 2,474 2,470
2001 2,483 2,449 2,413 2,362 2,427   2001 2,495 2,476 2,479 2,467 2,448 2,432 2,438 2,439 2,363 2,365 2,374 2,348
2002 2,322 2,324 2,311 2,323 2,320   2002 2,304 2,325 2,336 2,343 2,331 2,297 2,301 2,313 2,320 2,325 2,310 2,335
2003 2,343 2,347 2,352 2,358 2,350   2003 2,338 2,363 2,328 2,335 2,356 2,350 2,356 2,352 2,349 2,347 2,359 2,367
2004 2,383 2,399 2,412 2,423 2,404   2004 2,388 2,384 2,376 2,391 2,405 2,400 2,399 2,418 2,419 2,413 2,428 2,427
2005 2,426 2,453 2,460 2,473 2,453   2005 2,414 2,407 2,456 2,455 2,442 2,463 2,459 2,454 2,466 2,478 2,470 2,472
2006 2,477 2,482 2,496 .. ..   2006 2,476 2,479 2,476 2,479 2,483 2,485 2,491 2,498 2,500 2,502 2,509 ..
541A Legal, accounting, tax preparation and bookkeeping services 2000 10,276 10,266 10,341 10,269 10,288 541A 2000 10,313 10,219 10,297 10,209 10,299 10,290 10,385 10,365 10,272 10,364 10,286 10,156
2001 10,352 10,652 10,722 10,753 10,620   2001 10,336 10,404 10,317 10,553 10,672 10,731 10,631 10,760 10,776 10,750 10,823 10,687
2002 10,902 10,767 10,770 10,850 10,822   2002 10,880 11,028 10,798 10,800 10,799 10,701 10,553 10,963 10,793 10,831 10,853 10,865
2003 10,872 10,830 10,830 10,828 10,840   2003 10,959 10,923 10,734 10,884 10,797 10,809 10,893 10,737 10,860 10,841 10,791 10,852
2004 10,839 11,028 11,134 11,200 11,050   2004 10,764 10,844 10,908 11,038 10,979 11,066 11,111 11,120 11,171 11,208 11,219 11,172
2005 11,228 11,382 11,431 11,426 11,367   2005 11,089 11,269 11,327 11,304 11,440 11,403 11,417 11,481 11,396 11,395 11,437 11,446
2006 11,527 11,510 11,451 .. ..   2006 11,554 11,528 11,498 11,537 11,509 11,484 11,438 11,478 11,437 11,435 11,466 ..
541B Other professional, scientific and technical services 2000 9,494 10,025 10,379 10,414 10,078 541B 2000 9,328 9,469 9,686 9,883 10,007 10,184 10,283 10,377 10,477 10,503 10,451 10,289
2001 10,154 9,801 9,585 9,348 9,722   2001 10,242 10,178 10,043 9,906 9,786 9,710 9,676 9,587 9,491 9,393 9,334 9,318
2002 9,327 9,464 9,631 9,866 9,572   2002 9,295 9,310 9,377 9,399 9,468 9,525 9,553 9,653 9,686 9,748 9,884 9,966
2003 10,079 10,183 10,227 10,287 10,194   2003 10,062 10,074 10,100 10,175 10,184 10,190 10,212 10,204 10,265 10,290 10,259 10,313
2004 10,408 10,346 10,469 10,589 10,453   2004 10,418 10,417 10,389 10,352 10,324 10,363 10,429 10,473 10,504 10,554 10,596 10,617
2005 10,611 10,664 10,797 10,867 10,735   2005 10,619 10,605 10,610 10,618 10,682 10,693 10,781 10,788 10,822 10,842 10,879 10,881
2006 10,875 10,957 11,026 .. ..   2006 10,858 10,876 10,892 10,934 10,958 10,980 11,003 11,033 11,043 11,064 11,077 ..
56 Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services 2000 18,961 19,017 19,108 19,257 19,086 56 2000 18,951 18,936 18,997 18,973 18,972 19,107 19,049 19,109 19,167 19,243 19,234 19,294
2001 19,598 19,839 19,971 20,475 19,971   2001 19,456 19,605 19,733 19,795 19,832 19,891 19,925 20,030 19,959 20,224 20,456 20,746
2002 21,160 21,493 22,043 22,303 21,750   2002 21,025 21,183 21,273 21,368 21,463 21,648 21,857 22,094 22,179 22,228 22,310 22,372
2003 22,457 22,353 22,385 22,614 22,452   2003 22,436 22,470 22,465 22,326 22,355 22,377 22,507 22,221 22,426 22,556 22,563 22,722
2004 22,831 23,188 23,442 23,607 23,267   2004 22,780 22,826 22,887 23,114 23,152 23,297 23,399 23,428 23,500 23,530 23,611 23,680
2005 23,680 23,977 24,380 24,694 24,183   2005 23,659 23,674 23,708 23,893 23,969 24,070 24,222 24,360 24,559 24,587 24,689 24,806
2006 25,149 25,584 25,844 .. ..   2006 24,974 25,144 25,329 25,420 25,613 25,719 25,771 25,833 25,929 25,968 25,993 ..
561 Administrative and support services 2000 17,421 17,471 17,531 17,649 17,518 561 2000 17,409 17,394 17,460 17,428 17,428 17,556 17,484 17,531 17,579 17,649 17,627 17,671
2001 17,874 18,051 18,115 18,468 18,127   2001 17,767 17,867 17,987 18,026 18,042 18,085 18,095 18,173 18,078 18,251 18,445 18,708
2002 19,026 19,312 19,790 19,985 19,528   2002 18,927 19,035 19,115 19,169 19,292 19,474 19,635 19,838 19,897 19,923 19,993 20,038
2003 20,100 19,911 19,918 20,159 20,022   2003 20,093 20,118 20,089 19,940 19,876 19,917 20,033 19,743 19,979 20,105 20,115 20,256
2004 20,361 20,686 20,903 21,034 20,746   2004 20,302 20,369 20,412 20,628 20,651 20,780 20,863 20,899 20,946 20,974 21,040 21,088
2005 21,080 21,370 21,729 21,997 21,544   2005 21,056 21,066 21,118 21,282 21,370 21,458 21,592 21,709 21,886 21,905 21,993 22,093
2006 22,395 22,765 22,974 .. ..   2006 22,245 22,393 22,547 22,624 22,790 22,880 22,909 22,970 23,044 23,077 23,085 ..
562 Waste management and remediation services 2000 1,532 1,538 1,574 1,609 1,563 562 2000 1,534 1,532 1,529 1,536 1,536 1,543 1,559 1,576 1,586 1,593 1,608 1,625
2001 1,725 1,800 1,878 2,049 1,863   2001 1,685 1,742 1,749 1,777 1,802 1,820 1,849 1,878 1,907 2,013 2,052 2,082
2002 2,187 2,238 2,314 2,389 2,282   2002 2,145 2,203 2,214 2,260 2,226 2,227 2,280 2,317 2,346 2,373 2,387 2,406
2003 2,430 2,536 2,566 2,548 2,520   2003 2,412 2,423 2,454 2,469 2,582 2,558 2,572 2,585 2,541 2,544 2,540 2,560
2004 2,562 2,592 2,634 2,672 2,615   2004 2,573 2,546 2,567 2,572 2,593 2,610 2,631 2,623 2,649 2,651 2,669 2,696
2005 2,702 2,708 2,752 2,802 2,741   2005 2,703 2,713 2,690 2,713 2,702 2,709 2,730 2,752 2,775 2,786 2,801 2,818
2006 2,863 2,933 2,990 .. ..   2006 2,836 2,859 2,893 2,908 2,938 2,954 2,981 2,982 3,006 3,014 3,033 ..
61 Educational services 2000 43,468 43,595 43,702 43,647 43,603 61 2000 43,506 43,480 43,418 43,540 43,584 43,660 43,624 43,757 43,726 43,680 43,577 43,684
2001 43,861 43,582 43,917 44,023 43,846   2001 43,857 43,891 43,836 43,167 43,716 43,864 44,034 43,800 43,918 44,015 43,953 44,101
2002 44,027 44,456 44,957 45,120 44,640   2002 44,073 43,755 44,253 44,243 44,507 44,618 44,829 44,963 45,080 45,105 44,985 45,269
2003 45,337 45,448 45,023 45,175 45,246   2003 45,222 45,428 45,362 45,399 45,352 45,594 45,366 44,936 44,768 44,724 45,117 45,684
2004 45,511 46,449 46,701 46,583 46,311   2004 45,498 45,400 45,635 46,088 46,433 46,826 46,867 46,693 46,542 46,368 46,537 46,845
2005 46,749 46,885 47,329 47,329 47,073   2005 46,883 46,958 46,406 46,881 46,822 46,951 47,153 47,390 47,445 46,553 47,714 47,720
2006 47,618 47,575 47,652 .. ..   2006 47,656 47,649 47,548 47,614 47,556 47,555 47,636 47,587 47,734 47,783 47,790 ..