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Gross Domestic Product by Industry
March 2001


Appendix I - Industry Codes

levels (W)
1992 prices
millions $
Industry names and aggregations

T001 01-99 604,275 All industries

01-99 not 81-83,

  476,365 Business sector industries
T003 01-44,49   192,297 Business sector, goods
T004 45-48,50-99
not 81-83,853, 861,981
  284,068 Business sector, services
T005 01-99   127,910 Non-business sector, industries
T006 01-44,49   1,735 Non-business sector, goods
T007 45-48,50-99   126,175 Non-business sector, services
T008 01-44,49   194,032 Goods producing industries
T009 45-48,50-99   410,243 Services producing industries
T010 06-09,10-39,49 141,603 Industrial production
T011 10-24,27,28,36-37   47,806 Non-durable manufacturing industries
T012 25,26,29-35,39   48,375 Durable manufacturing industries
A 01-02 10,260 Agricultural and related services industries
A01 01   9,528 Agricultural industries
A018 011,012 1 3,381 Livestock farms
A019 013-017 2 6,147 Field crop farms
A02 02 3 732 Service industries incidental to agriculture
B 03 4 1,026 Fishing and trapping industries
C 04-05 5,6 4,031 Logging and forestry industries
D 06-09 23,054 Mining (including milling), quarrying and oil well industries
D06 06 6,954 Mining industries
D061 061   4,994 Metal mines
D0611 0611 7 1,203 Gold mines
D0617 0617 9 433 Iron mines
D0618 0612-0616,0619 8 3,358 Other metal mines
D062 062   1,163 Non-metal mines (except coal)
D0621* 0621 10 110 Asbestos mines
D0624 0624 11 706 Potash mines
D0625 0625 12 147 Salt mines
D0626* 0622,0623,0629 13 200 Other non-metal mines (except coal)
D063 063 14 797 Coal mines
D07 07 15 14,001 Crude petroleum and natural gas industries
D08 08 16 562 Quarry and sand pit industries
D09 09 17 1,537 Services industries incidental to mineral extraction
D06A** 0622-0624,0629 11,13   Non-metal mines excluding asbestos and coal
E 10-39 96,181 Manufacturing industries
E10 10 12,472 Food industries
E101 101   2,096 Meat and poultry products industries
E1011 1011 18 1,566 Meat and meat products (except poultry)
E1012 1012 19 530 Poultry products industry
E102 102 20 794 Fish products industry
E103 103 21 1,345 Fruit and vegetable industries
E104 104 22 1,730 Dairy products industries
E105 105   1,142 Flour, prepared cereal food and feed industries
E1053 1053 24 529 Feed industry
E1054 1051,1052 23 613 Flour and cereal food industries
E106 106 25 168 Vegetable oil mills (except corn oil)
E107 107   1,669 Bakery products industries
E1071 1071 26 475 Biscuit industry
E1072 1072 27 1,194 Bread and other bakery products industry
E108 108   813 Sugar and sugar confectionery industries
E1081 1081 28 158 Cane and beet sugar industry
E1084 1082,1083 29 655 Other sugar confectionery industries
E109 109   2,715 Other food products industries
E1091 1091 30 837 Tea and coffee industry
E1095 1092-1099 31 1,878 Other miscellaneous food products industries, not elsewhere  classified
E10A** 1051,1052, 1082,
23,29,30,31   Miscellaneous food product industries
E11 11 3,152 Beverage industries
E111 111 32 892 Soft drink industry
E112 112 33 395 Distillery products industry
E113 113 34 1,752 Brewery products industry
E114 114 35 113 Wine industry
E12 12 36,37 983 Tobacco products industries
E15 15 1,396 Rubber products industries
E151 151 38 709 Tire and tube industry
E152 152 39 70 Rubber hose and belting industry
E159 159 40 617 Other rubber products industries
E16 16 2,430 Plastic products industries
E161 161 42 185 Foamed and expanded plastic products industry
E162 162 43 205 Plastic pipe and pipe fittings industry
E163 163 44 330 Plastic film and sheeting industry
E169 169   1,710 Other plastic products industries
E1691 1691 45 326 Plastic bag industry
E1699 1699 46 1,384 Other plastic products industries, not elsewhere classified
E17 17 393 Leather and allied products industries
E1711 1711 47 37 Leather tanneries
E1712 1712 48 282 Footwear industry
E1714 1713,1719 49 74 Miscellaneous leather and allied products industries
E18 18 1,060 Primary textile industries
E181 181 50 411 Man-made fibre and filament yarn industry
E182 182   521 Spun yarn and woven cloth industries
E1821 1821 52 176 Wool yarn and woven cloth industries
E1829 1829 51 345 Other spun yarn and woven cloth industries
E183 183 53 128 Broad knitted fabric industry
E18A** 181,1829 50,51   Man-made fibre yarn and woven cloth industries
E19 19 1,002 Textile products industries
E191 191 41 81 Natural fibres processing and felt products industry
E192 192 56 166 Carpet, mat and rug industry
E193 193 54 68 Canvas and related products industry
E199 199 55 687 Other textile products industries
E19A** 191,193,199 41,54,55   Miscellaneous textile products industries
E24 24 2,570 Clothing industries
E243 243 57 912 Men’s and boys’ clothing industries
E244 244 58 783 Women’s clothing industries
E245 245 59 182 Children’s clothing industry
E249 249   693 Other clothing and apparel industries
E2494 2494 61 139 Hosiery industry


60 554 Miscellaneous clothing and apparel industries
E24A** 243-245,
57-60   Clothing industries except hosiery
E25 25 4,889 Wood industries
E251 251 62 2,818 Sawmill, planing mill and shingle mill products industries
E252 252 63 372 Veneer and plywood industries
E254 254   1,146 Sash, door and other millwork industries
E2545 2541,2542 64 500 Prefabricated wooden buildings and cabinet industry
E2546 2543,2549 65 646 Door, window and other millwork industries
E256 256 66 63 Wooden box and pallet industry
E258 258 67 22 Coffin and casket industry
E259 259   468 Other wood industries
E2595 2591,2599 69 163 Miscellaneous wood industries
E2596 2592,2593 68 305 Particle and wafer board industries
E25A** 256,258 66,67   Wooden box and coffin industries
E26 26 1,646 Furniture and fixture industries
E261 261 70 638 Household furniture industries
E264 264 71 396 Office furniture industries
E269 269 72 612 Other furniture and fixture industries
E27 27 5,783 Paper and allied products industries
E271 271   4,011 Pulp and paper industries
E2711 2711 73 1,166 Pulp industry
E2712 2712 74 1,508 Newsprint industry
E2715 2713-2719 75 1,337 Paperboard, building board and other paper industry
E272 272 76 194 Asphalt roofing industry
E273 273 77 889 Paper box and bag industries
E279 279 78 689 Other converted paper products industries
E28 28 7,329 Printing, publishing and allied industries
E281 281 79 2,905 Commercial printing industries
E282 282 82 704 Platemaking, typesetting and bindery industry
E283 283 80 1,742 Publishing industries
E284 284 81 1,978 Combined publishing and printing industries
E28A** 281,283,284 79,80,81   Printing and publishing industries
E29 29 5,293 Primary metal industries
E291 291 83,84 2,035 Primary steel industries
E292 292 85 333 Steel pipe and tube industry
E294 294 86 478 Iron foundries
E295 295 87 1,775 Non-ferrous metal smelting and refining industries
E296 296 88 308 Aluminum rolling, casting and extruding industry
E297 297 89 107 Copper and copper alloy rolling, casting and extruding industry
E299 299 90 257 Other rolled, cast and extruded non-ferrous metal products
E30 30 6,422 Fabricated metal products industries
E301 301 91 214 Power boiler and heat exchanger industry
E302 302 92,93 793 Fabricated structural metal products industries
E303 303 94 678 Ornamental and architectural metal products industries
E304 304 95 1,401 Stamped, pressed and coated metal products industries
E305 305 96 621 Wire and wire products industries
E306 306 97 919 Hardware, tool and cutlery industries
E307 307 98 199 Heating equipment industry
E308 308 99 838 Machine shop industry
E309 309 100 759 Other metal fabricating industries
E30A** 301,302 91-93   Power boiler and structural metal industry
E31 31 3,800 Machinery industries (except electrical machinery)
E311 311 101 355 Agricultural implement industry
E312 312 102 154 Commercial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment industry
E319 319   3,291 Other machinery and equipment industries
E3192 3192 104 901 Construction and mining machinery and materials handling equipment industry
E3195 3191,3194 103 897 Compressor, pump, turbine and other equipment industry
E3197 3193,3199 105 1,493 Sawmill and other machinery industry, not elsewhere classified
E32 32 13,695 Transportation equipment industries
E321 321 106 2,795 Aircraft and aircraft parts industry
E323 323 107 4,232 Motor vehicle industry
E324 324 108 407 Truck, bus body and trailer industries
E325 325   4,839 Motor vehicle parts and accessories industries
E3251 3251 109 320 Motor vehicle engine and engine parts industry
E3252 3252 110 157 Motor vehicle wiring assemblies industry
E3253 3253 111 763 Motor vehicle stampings industry
E3254 3254 112 313 Motor vehicle steering and suspension parts industry
E3255 3255 113 387 Motor vehicle wheel and brake industry
E3256 3256 114 412 Plastic parts and accessories for motor vehicles industry
E3257 3257 115 485 Motor vehicle fabric accessories industry
E3259 3259 116 2,002 Other motor vehicle accessories, parts and assemblies industries
E326 326 117 531 Railroad rolling stock industry
E327 327 118 592 Shipbuilding and repair industry
E328 328 119 108 Boatbuilding and repair industry
E329 329 120 191 Other transportation equipment industries
E32A** 328,329 119,120   Miscellaneous transportation equipment industries
E33 33 7,142 Electrical and electronic products industries
E331 331 121 86 Small electrical appliance industry
E332 332 122 396 Major appliance industry (electric and non-electric)
E333 333 123 296 Electric lighting industries
E334 334 124 165 Record player, radio and television receiver industry
E335 335   3,749 Communication and other electronic equipment industries
E3351 3351 125 1,797 Telecommunication equipment industry
E3352 3352 126 573 Electronic parts and components industry
E3359 3359 127 1,379 Other communication and electronic equipment industries
E336 336 128,129 619 Office, store and business machine industries
E337 337 130,131 1,016 Electrical industrial equipment industries
E338 338 132 411 Communications, energy wire and cable industry
E339 339   404 Other electrical products industries
E3391 3391 133 109 Battery industry
E3393 3392,3399 134 295 Miscellaneous electrical products industries
E33A** 333,337,
  Other electrical and electronic product industries
E35 35 2,547 Non-metallic mineral products industries
E351 351 135 128 Clay products industries
E352 352 136 319 Hydraulic cement industry
E354 354 137 408 Concrete products industries
E355 355 138 407 Ready-mix concrete industry
E356 356 139 582 Glass and glass products industries
E357 357 140 86 Abrasives industry
E358 358 141 88 Lime industry
E359 359 142 529 Other non-metallic mineral products industries
E35A** 357-359 140-142   Miscellaneous non-metallic mineral products industries
E36 36 143,144 975 Refined petroleum and coal products industries
E37 37 8,261 Chemical and chemical products industries
E371 371   1,989 Industrial chemicals industries, not elsewhere classified
E3711 3711 145 916 Industrial inorganic chemical industries, not elsewhere classified
E3712 3712 146 1,073 Industrial organic chemical industries, not elsewhere classified
E372 372 147 419 Agricultural chemical industries
E373 373 148 790 Plastic and synthetic resin industry
E374 374 149 2,261 Pharmaceutical and medicine industry
E375 375 150 661 Paint and varnish industry
E376 376 151 473 Soap and cleaning compounds industry
E377 377 152 527 Toilet preparations industry
E379 379 153 1,141 Other chemical products industries
E37A** 372,379 147,153   Chemical products industries, not elsewhere classified
E39 39 2,941 Other manufacturing industries
E391 391   1,171 Scientific and professional equipment industries
E3911 3911 154 580 Indicating recording and controlling instruments industry
E3915 3912-3914 155 591 Other scientific and professional equipment industries
E392 392 156 179 Jewellery and precious metal industries
E393 393   369 Sporting goods and toy industries
E3931 3931 157 284 Sporting goods industry
E3932 3932 158 85 Toys and games industry
E397 397 159 381 Sign and display industry
E399 399   841 Other manufactured products industries
E3993 3993 160 75 Floor tile, linoleum and coated fabric industry
E3994 3994 161 146 Musical instrument and sound recording industry
E3995 3991,3992,3999 162 620 Miscellaneous manufactured products industries, not elsewhere classified
E39A** 3911-3914, 3991,
3992, 3994,3999
  Other manufacturing industries
F 401-449 37,112 Construction industries
F400B 401-449 164 11,381 Residential construction
F400C 401-449 165 7,471 Non-residential building construction
F400J 401-449 163,
18,260 Other construction
G 45-47 26,078 Transportation and storage industries
G45 45   22,562 Transportation industries
G45A 451,452 172 3,195 Air transport and related service industries
G453 453 173 3,772 Railway transport and related service industries
G45B 454,455 174 1,913 Water transportation and related services industries
G456 456 175 6,849 Truck transport industries
G457 457   3,227 Public passenger transit systems industries
G4571 4571 176 2,097 Urban transit system industry
G4572 4572 177 209 Interurban and rural transit systems industry
G4576 4573-4575 179 921 School and other bus operations industries
G45E 458,459 178,180 3,606 Other transportation and service incidental to transportation
G45F** 4573-4575,
178-180   Miscellaneous transport services
G46 46   2,764 Pipeline transport industries
G4611 4611 181 2,190 Natural gas pipeline transport industry
G4613 4612,4619 182 574 Crude oil and other pipeline transport industries
G47 47   752 Storage and warehousing industries
G471 471 183 392 Grain elevator industry
G479 479 184 360 Other storage and warehousing industries
H 48-49 41,909 Communication and other utility industries
H48 48   19,541 Communication industries
H481 481   3,325 Telecommunication broadcasting industries
H4814 4814 186 1,128 Cable television industry
H4815 4811-4813 185 2,197 Radio and television broadcasting industries
H484 484 188 3,624 Postal and courier service industries
H485 482,483 187 12,592 Telecommunication carriers and other industries
H49 49   22,368 Other utility industries
H491 491 189 18,230 Electric power systems industry
H492 492 190 2,267 Gas distribution systems industry
H494 493,499 191 1,871 Water systems and other utility industries, not elsewhere classified
I 50-59 192 30,892 Wholesale trade industries
J 60-69 193 35,262 Retail trade industries
KL** 70-76 97,577 Finance, insurance and real estate industries
K 70-74 29,916 Finance and insurance industries
K70 70   17,247 Deposit accepting intermediary industries
K70A 701-704,709 194,195 15,665 Bank service and other deposit accepting intermediary industries
K705 705 196 1,582 Credit unions
K71A 71,72,74 197 5,015 Other financial intermediary industries
K73 73 200 7,654 Insurance industries
L 75,76 67,661 Real estate operator and insurance agent industries
L75 75   62,929 Real estate industries including owner occupied dwellings
L75A 7511,7512,759 198 19,150 Real estate operators industry
L75B 7513 201 43,779 Owner occupied dwellings
L76 76 199 4,732 Insurance and real estate agent industries
KL7** 70,71,72,
194-199   Finance and real estate industries
† excluding owner occupied dwellings and insurance industries
M 77 27,782 Business services industries
M77A 771,777,779 206 8,747 Miscellaneous business services industries
M772 772 202 3,425 Computer and related services
M77B 773,776 203 7,414 Accounting and legal services industries
M774 774 205 1,574 Advertising services
M775 775 204 6,622 Architectural, engineering, and other scientific and technical
M77C** 771,772,777,779 202,206   Other business services industries
M77D** 773,775,776 203,204   Professional business services industries
N 81-84 45,409 Government service industries
N81 81,84   20,348 Federal government service industries
N811 811 240 6,290 Defence services
N819 812-817,84 256 14,058 Other federal government service industries
N82 82 257 13,473 Provincial and territorial government service industries
N83 83 258 11,588 Local government service industries
O 85 39,582 Educational service industries
O853 853 238 7,549 University education
O856 851,852,854-859 207 32,033 Other educational service industries
P 86 47,138 Health and social service industries
P861 861 236 20,019 Hospitals
P86A 862-869 208,209 27,119 Other health and social service industries
Q 91-92 15,962 Accommodation, food and beverage service industries
Q91 91 210 5,364 Accommodation service industries
Q92 92 211 10,598 Food and beverage service industries
R 96-99 25,020 Other service industries
R96 96   5,987 Amusement and recreational service industries
R961 961 212 825 Motion picture, audio and video production and distribution
R962 962 213 156 Motion picture exhibition
R966 966 215 378 Lotteries, bingos, casinos, et cetera
R967 963-965,969 214 4,628 Other amusement and recreational services industries
R96A** 961,962 212,213   Motion picture and video industries
R96B** 963-966,969   214,215 Other amusement and recreational services
R97 97   5,268 Personal and household service industries
R972 972 216 910 Laundries and cleaners
R975 971,973,974,979 217 4,358 Other personal service industries
R9A** 98,99   13,765 Membership organizations and other service industries, not elsewhere classified
R98 98 220,231 4,896 Membership organization industries
R99 99 218,219,
8,869 Other service industries, not elsewhere classified

* Data not available after 1994.
** For some of the lowest level of aggregaion, it is not possible to have an homogeneous series from 1961 to the present. For that reason, special industry groupings that provide relatively good continuity were created back to 1961.

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