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Table 4 Gross domestic product at basic prices in chained (1997) dollars, monthly, quarterly (seasonally adjusted at annual rates) and annual

IMAD code and industry   I II III IV Annual Code   Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
  millions $
3324 Boiler, tank and shipping container manufacturing 2000 1,156 1,258 1,373 1,373 1,290 3324 2000 1,154 1,128 1,187 1,240 1,279 1,254 1,371 1,432 1,315 1,356 1,315 1,447
2001 1,365 1,336 1,394 1,357 1,363   2001 1,337 1,369 1,388 1,357 1,322 1,330 1,468 1,375 1,338 1,329 1,381 1,362
2002 1,314 1,326 1,328 1,396 1,341   2002 1,289 1,341 1,312 1,329 1,331 1,318 1,281 1,319 1,384 1,403 1,379 1,406
2003 1,472 1,566 1,678 1,645 1,590   2003 1,415 1,502 1,498 1,497 1,581 1,620 1,704 1,652 1,677 1,652 1,657 1,627
2004 1,527 1,621 1,560 1,554 1,565   2004 1,447 1,549 1,584 1,649 1,607 1,608 1,555 1,573 1,551 1,545 1,561 1,555
2005 1,639 1,489 1,491 1,499 1,529   2005 1,690 1,620 1,607 1,533 1,466 1,467 1,476 1,522 1,474 1,448 1,502 1,548
2006 .. .. .. .. ..   2006 1,315 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
3325 Hardware manufacturing 2000 781 787 874 890 833 3325 2000 783 775 786 744 791 826 872 873 876 911 890 869
2001 860 893 874 866 873   2001 840 853 887 868 903 907 876 879 867 849 864 884
2002 910 953 929 928 930   2002 880 926 923 948 967 945 962 932 894 921 926 936
2003 903 854 908 952 904   2003 924 894 890 873 859 831 896 900 928 954 945 956
2004 1,011 1,034 1,071 1,028 1,036   2004 978 996 1,058 1,019 1,035 1,049 1,041 1,064 1,108 1,058 1,001 1,025
2005 1,038 1,018 1,007 1,020 1,021   2005 1,067 1,040 1,008 1,033 997 1,025 971 1,025 1,025 1,014 1,005 1,041
2006 .. .. .. .. ..   2006 1,016 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
3326 Spring and wire product manufacturing 2000 747 751 741 705 736 3326 2000 741 746 753 741 749 764 761 730 732 714 717 685
2001 658 650 665 719 673   2001 653 659 662 644 664 641 602 681 712 744 705 708
2002 725 781 782 771 765   2002 689 739 748 783 786 775 769 792 785 817 756 741
2003 730 677 652 622 670   2003 759 720 710 693 672 667 663 655 638 625 615 627
2004 621 637 625 653 634   2004 610 626 626 634 627 651 628 616 631 637 666 657
2005 644 623 664 687 655   2005 686 652 593 594 643 633 645 669 679 691 669 701
2006 .. .. .. .. ..   2006 687 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
3327 Machine shops, turned product, and screw, nut and bolt manufacturing 2000 2,164 2,277 2,334 2,385 2,290 3327 2000 2,113 2,162 2,216 2,230 2,260 2,342 2,317 2,333 2,352 2,403 2,376 2,376
2001 2,218 2,192 2,147 2,079 2,159   2001 2,257 2,300 2,098 2,166 2,205 2,206 2,190 2,129 2,122 2,049 2,157 2,030
2002 2,086 2,185 2,288 2,205 2,191   2002 2,128 2,033 2,098 2,188 2,199 2,169 2,194 2,317 2,352 2,265 2,213 2,136
2003 2,238 2,178 2,153 2,241 2,202   2003 2,280 2,201 2,233 2,210 2,172 2,151 2,172 2,099 2,187 2,236 2,244 2,242
2004 2,215 2,301 2,441 2,496 2,363   2004 2,135 2,263 2,246 2,251 2,309 2,343 2,428 2,459 2,436 2,463 2,494 2,531
2005 2,530 2,532 2,426 2,646 2,533   2005 2,542 2,506 2,541 2,548 2,542 2,506 2,302 2,491 2,484 2,543 2,596 2,799
2006 .. .. .. .. ..   2006 2,423 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
3328 Coating, engraving, heat treating and allied activities 2000 978 1,028 1,036 1,067 1,027 3328 2000 971 970 994 977 1,049 1,058 990 1,056 1,061 1,078 1,102 1,020
2001 1,003 962 1,051 988 1,001   2001 990 1,025 993 941 984 962 1,141 1,024 988 973 992 998
2002 1,029 1,042 1,052 1,069 1,048   2002 1,038 1,020 1,028 1,048 1,033 1,046 1,031 1,050 1,075 1,080 1,052 1,075
2003 1,060 1,042 1,014 1,065 1,045   2003 1,062 1,067 1,052 1,086 1,015 1,025 1,007 1,012 1,023 1,041 1,069 1,084
2004 1,047 1,138 1,170 1,160 1,129   2004 1,039 997 1,106 1,104 1,160 1,151 1,184 1,163 1,163 1,155 1,160 1,165
2005 1,141 1,112 1,128 1,185 1,141   2005 1,164 1,142 1,117 1,126 1,109 1,100 1,068 1,119 1,198 1,155 1,184 1,215
2006 .. .. .. .. ..   2006 1,299 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
3329 Other fabricated metal product manufacturing 2000 1,630 1,609 1,576 1,684 1,625 3329 2000 1,586 1,602 1,703 1,577 1,645 1,604 1,652 1,464 1,613 1,680 1,689 1,684
2001 1,622 1,655 1,593 1,606 1,619   2001 1,631 1,614 1,622 1,678 1,611 1,675 1,584 1,590 1,605 1,556 1,604 1,658
2002 1,698 1,698 1,787 1,693 1,719   2002 1,707 1,718 1,669 1,717 1,689 1,688 1,737 1,803 1,822 1,798 1,716 1,565
2003 1,699 1,681 1,596 1,575 1,638   2003 1,695 1,688 1,715 1,675 1,722 1,646 1,736 1,508 1,544 1,566 1,560 1,598
2004 1,562 1,617 1,726 1,695 1,650   2004 1,483 1,589 1,614 1,615 1,576 1,661 1,717 1,713 1,748 1,619 1,750 1,717
2005 1,781 1,846 1,735 1,719 1,770   2005 1,767 1,777 1,800 1,801 1,916 1,821 1,750 1,702 1,752 1,699 1,715 1,744
2006 .. .. .. .. ..   2006 1,776 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
333 Machinery manufacturing 2000 11,094 11,575 11,402 11,461 11,383 333 2000 10,752 10,956 11,573 11,341 11,839 11,546 11,439 11,457 11,311 11,141 11,502 11,740
2001 11,598 11,344 11,119 10,675 11,184   2001 11,774 11,415 11,605 11,406 11,247 11,378 11,411 11,165 10,781 10,716 10,675 10,635
2002 11,073 10,853 10,724 10,811 10,865   2002 11,238 11,167 10,814 11,076 10,718 10,764 10,644 10,576 10,951 11,133 10,734 10,565
2003 10,642 10,612 10,689 10,874 10,704   2003 10,604 10,442 10,879 10,687 10,852 10,296 10,804 10,571 10,693 10,851 10,911 10,860
2004 10,846 11,362 11,798 11,791 11,449   2004 10,711 10,833 10,993 11,134 11,407 11,544 11,511 11,992 11,891 11,569 11,917 11,888
2005 12,137 12,366 12,405 13,120 12,507   2005 12,117 12,274 12,019 12,195 12,246 12,656 12,376 12,513 12,327 12,804 13,040 13,515
2006 .. .. .. .. ..   2006 13,384 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
3331 Agricultural, construction and mining machinery manufacturing 2000 1,937 1,936 1,957 1,993 1,956 3331 2000 1,933 1,902 1,976 1,933 2,001 1,875 1,977 1,973 1,922 1,958 2,046 1,975
2001 2,006 2,059 2,091 2,104 2,065   2001 1,976 1,839 2,202 2,059 2,079 2,038 2,081 2,170 2,023 2,130 2,061 2,121
2002 2,110 2,118 2,213 2,175 2,154   2002 2,122 2,199 2,009 2,091 2,097 2,166 2,156 2,192 2,292 2,143 2,245 2,136
2003 2,192 2,170 2,184 2,331 2,219   2003 2,090 2,130 2,356 2,156 2,194 2,161 2,182 2,181 2,190 2,255 2,318 2,420
2004 2,446 2,542 2,647 2,697 2,583   2004 2,477 2,412 2,450 2,520 2,524 2,581 2,600 2,643 2,699 2,649 2,683 2,758
2005 2,784 2,872 2,893 3,087 2,909   2005 2,757 2,865 2,729 2,868 2,844 2,905 2,876 2,894 2,908 2,929 3,182 3,149
2006 .. .. .. .. ..   2006 3,113 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..