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Historical revision of the National Economic and Financial Accounts: review

A historical revision of the National Economic and Financial Accounts was published on December 12, 1997. This historical revision had three goals:

  1. Retool the Canadian System of National Accounts in line with the new international guidelines for national accounting released in 1993 (System of National Accounts 1993, published jointly by the Commission of European Communities, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United Nations and the World Bank ISBN 92-1-161352-3). A discussion of some of the major issues relating to conversion to the new standards.
  2. Rebase the constant price data and price indexes to the new base year 1992. A discussion of the impact of rebasing.
  3. Incorporate statistical revisions relating to new data sources or revised data which had not been used up to that point. This includes revisions which arose from a more comprehensive integration of the various parts of the Canadian System of National Accounts.

Not all of the new international guidelines were adopted. A review of the remaining differences between the 1997 historical revisions and the 1993 international guidelines.

What follows is the table layout for the core quarterly NEFA product. It includes all the new CANSIM D number identifiers and a concordance to the previous ones. In the case of the quarterly financial flows (not shown here), the D numbers for the detailed sector breakdown are unchanged; only the data was revised.

View the new tables:

Provincial Economic Accounts