Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Data tables

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Main tables

Table 1 Gross domestic product, income-based
Table 2 Gross domestic product, expenditure-based
Table 3 Real gross domestic product, expenditure-based, millions of chained (2002) dollars
Table 4 Contributions to percent change in real gross domestic product, expenditure-based

Sector account tables

Table 5 Persons and unincorporated businesses
Table 6 Corporations and government business enterprises: total
Table 7 Corporations and government business enterprises: non-financial
Table 8 Corporations and government business enterprises: financial
Table 9 Government
Table 10 Federal government
Table 11 Provincial governments
Table 12 Local governments
Table 13 Canada and Quebec pension plans
Table 14 Non-residents
Table 15 Saving, investment and net lending

Expenditure component tables

Table 16 Personal expenditure on consumer goods and services
Table 17 Real personal expenditure on consumer goods and services, millions of chained (2002) dollars
Table 18 Contributions to percent change in real personal expenditure on consumer goods and services
Table 19 Investment in residential structures
Table 20 Real investment in residential structures, millions of chained (2002) dollars
Table 21 Contributions to percent change in real investment in residential structures
Table 22 Investment in non-residential structures and equipment
Table 23 Real investment in non-residential structures and equipment, millions of chained (2002) dollars
Table 24 Contributions to percent change in real investment in non-residential structures and equipment
Table 25 Exports and imports of goods and services
Table 26 Real exports and imports of goods and services, millions of chained (2002) dollars
Table 27 Contributions to percent change in real exports and imports of goods and services
Table 28 Business investment in inventories
Table 29 Real business investment in inventories, millions of chained (2002) dollars

Prices and other tables

Table 30 Implicit chain price indexes, gross domestic product
Table 31 Fixed-weighted price indexes, gross domestic product
Table 32 Undistributed corporation profits
Table 33 GDP at market prices, GNP at market prices and net national income at basic prices
Table 54 Gross domestic product, expenditure-based, at 2002 prices
Table 56 Selected income and expenditure accounts variables
Table 57 Debt service indicators, persons and unincorporated businesses
Table 58 Gross national income at market prices