Table 2
Gross domestic product, expenditure-based, Prince Edward Island

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Table 2
Gross domestic product, expenditure-based, Prince Edward Island

Table summary
This table displays the results of gross domestic product. This information is grouped by Item appearing as row headers, and is grouped by 1981 to 2010 appearing as column headers calculated using millions of dollars as a unit of measure.
Item 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
millions of dollars
Source: Statistics Canada, Provincial and Territorial Economic Accounts: Data Tables, catalogue number 13-018-X.
Personal expenditure on consumer goods and services 794 853 953 1,054 1,114 1,196 1,280 1,371 1,443 1,544 1,585 1,626 1,692 1,732 1,781 1,882 1,968 2,026 2,130 2,298 2,374 2,505 2,633 2,747 2,878 3,040 3,236 3,416 3,443 3,623
Durable goods
102 95 121 141 150 162 170 188 188 192 175 182 190 200 207 215 242 253 276 289 292 306 309 312 325 334 362 364 366 390
Semi-durable goods
96 99 111 127 127 134 141 151 158 163 155 156 164 169 175 181 190 195 210 218 228 236 239 241 249 263 276 277 273 282
Non-durable goods
276 310 328 357 382 390 407 433 452 492 519 523 540 533 543 553 568 567 594 658 678 707 756 797 845 874 939 1,035 1,012 1,076
320 349 393 429 455 510 562 599 645 697 736 765 798 830 856 933 968 1,011 1,050 1,133 1,176 1,256 1,329 1,397 1,459 1,569 1,659 1,740 1,792 1,875
Net government current expenditure on goods and services 370 414 450 496 531 541 589 654 709 766 768 760 757 760 788 832 839 927 1,014 1,065 1,104 1,182 1,248 1,282 1,326 1,373 1,479 1,584 1,655 1,736
Government gross fixed capital formation 66 58 50 77 85 88 75 111 104 98 115 143 134 98 90 91 115 111 112 114 144 166 154 112 182 238 169 180 308 305
56 48 39 62 74 73 61 97 79 82 101 120 103 75 67 61 69 72 70 58 86 111 92 67 112 178 100 104 218 213
Machinery and equipment
10 10 11 15 11 15 14 14 25 16 14 23 31 23 23 30 46 39 42 56 58 55 62 45 70 60 69 76 90 92
Government investment in inventories 1 1 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 -2 1 1 1 -2 1 1 0 -1
Business gross fixed capital formation 136 149 180 191 205 241 269 310 327 310 350 254 286 402 463 501 371 396 479 519 516 531 560 644 628 668 811 799 652 707
Residential structures
44 47 65 81 90 113 115 136 129 117 128 115 129 127 122 134 142 130 154 189 191 208 225 275 272 277 293 303 321 363
Non-residential structures
33 40 49 39 41 46 56 71 96 81 85 50 49 138 184 253 83 75 86 107 117 109 98 120 88 106 261 234 113 146
Machinery and equipment
59 62 66 71 74 82 98 103 102 112 137 89 108 137 157 114 146 191 239 223 208 214 237 249 268 285 257 262 218 198
Business investment in inventories -44 -27 20 -18 -14 60 -44 25 -8 -30 -45 34 53 -15 29 34 67 38 1 72 -31 36 7 30 14 55 43 31 -19 58
-15 -22 11 11 -2 23 -18 1 16 0 -41 5 17 14 35 24 37 57 11 64 13 -14 24 -8 6 33 43 8 -4 30
-29 -5 9 -29 -12 37 -26 24 -24 -30 -4 29 36 -29 -6 10 30 -19 -10 8 -44 50 -17 38 8 22 0 23 -15 28
Exports of goods and services 602 551 624 640 639 699 791 783 937 904 905 1,039 1,085 1,137 1,232 1,263 1,381 1,605 1,796 1,918 1,943 2,008 1,998 2,053 2,038 2,067 2,293 2,332 2,230 2,241
Exports to other countries
137 132 141 179 162 215 264 236 305 277 288 342 352 450 516 539 636 819 978 1,035 1,037 1,080 1,089 1,084 1,093 1,021 1,159 1,167 1,086 1,039
Exports of goods to other countries
117 112 119 153 134 183 228 197 263 233 242 292 286 376 434 444 526 691 849 904 895 929 944 922 943 888 1,020 1,021 947 890
Exports of services to other countries
20 20 22 26 28 32 36 39 42 44 46 50 66 74 82 95 110 128 129 131 142 151 145 162 150 133 139 146 139 149
Exports to other provinces
465 419 483 461 477 484 527 547 632 627 617 697 733 687 716 724 745 786 818 883 906 928 909 969 945 1,046 1,134 1,165 1,144 1,202
Exports of goods to other provinces
215 181 218 180 178 174 195 192 246 217 221 375 391 381 386 421 426 457 478 528 538 557 548 597 525 618 604 621 613 630
Exports of services to other provinces
250 238 265 281 299 310 332 355 386 410 396 322 342 306 330 303 319 329 340 355 368 371 361 372 420 428 530 544 531 572
Deduct: Imports of goods and services 867 841 869 1,030 1,116 1,211 1,198 1,331 1,427 1,353 1,369 1,417 1,481 1,578 1,732 1,785 1,943 2,119 2,371 2,620 2,623 2,732 2,802 2,880 2,974 3,127 3,493 3,646 3,487 3,636
Imports from other countries
150 133 159 197 220 249 219 242 260 267 245 301 343 405 438 408 529 652 707 782 818 864 887 859 902 922 986 1,003 912 958
Imports of goods from other countries
124 110 134 168 189 209 184 204 217 216 202 266 302 352 384 345 460 579 624 685 705 733 769 750 797 802 843 858 780 832
Imports of services from other countries
26 23 25 29 31 40 35 38 43 51 43 35 41 53 54 63 69 73 83 97 113 131 118 109 105 120 143 145 132 126
Imports from other provinces
717 708 710 833 896 962 979 1,089 1,167 1,086 1,124 1,116 1,138 1,173 1,294 1,377 1,414 1,467 1,664 1,838 1,805 1,868 1,915 2,021 2,072 2,205 2,507 2,643 2,575 2,678
Imports of goods from other provinces
381 356 340 418 442 441 439 483 516 449 452 591 590 628 714 770 796 776 882 1,011 935 966 993 1,052 1,028 1,064 1,230 1,304 1,242 1,276
Imports of services from other provinces
336 352 370 415 454 521 540 606 651 637 672 525 548 545 581 607 618 691 782 827 870 902 922 969 1,044 1,141 1,277 1,339 1,333 1,402
Statistical discrepancy 9 -5 -52 -21 2 16 -25 -13 -26 -71 -54 -93 -55 -15 10 5 2 -2 -2 -1 4 7 -1 -6 3 3 4 -10 -4 -23
Gross domestic product at market prices 1,067 1,153 1,356 1,389 1,445 1,630 1,737 1,911 2,059 2,169 2,255 2,345 2,471 2,521 2,662 2,823 2,800 2,981 3,159 3,366 3,431 3,701 3,798 3,983 4,096 4,315 4,543 4,687 4,778 5,010
Final domestic demand 1,366 1,474 1,633 1,818 1,935 2,066 2,213 2,446 2,583 2,718 2,818 2,783 2,869 2,992 3,122 3,306 3,293 3,460 3,735 3,996 4,138 4,384 4,595 4,785 5,014 5,319 5,695 5,979 6,058 6,371
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