Data tables

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Table 1 Gross domestic product, income-based
Table 2 Gross domestic product, expenditure-based
Table 3 Real Gross domestic product expenditure-based
Table 4 Contributions to Percent Change in Real Gross Domestic Product, Expenditure-based
Table 5 Implicit price indexes, gross domestic product
Table 6 Government sector revenue and expenditure
Table 7 Federal government revenue and expenditure
Table 8 Provincial government revenue and expenditure
Table 9 Local government revenue and expenditure
Table 10 Canada and Quebec pension plan revenue and expenditure
Table 11 Direct taxes - persons, contributions to social insurance plans and other transfers to government
Table 12 Taxes on production and imports
Table 13 Government investment income
Table 14 Government transfer payments to persons
Table 15 Government subsidies and capital transfers
Table 16 Intergovernmental transfers
Table 17 Sources and disposition of personal income
Table 18 Selected economic indicators
Table 19 Real Gross domestic product