Table 2A.2
Simplified representation of the use matrix in the Input-Output Tables-Fictive estimates

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Farming Milling Baking Total

Goods and services used in production

Empty cell 


0 1001 0 1002


0 0 130 1302,3


0 0 0 02

Seed, fertilizer

15 0 0 152

Primary inputs (payments for labour and capital) in the production process

Empty cell 


20 204 10 505


115 454 60 2205


150 1656 200 515

1. The industry uses $100 of wheat to produce $165 of flour.

2. The intermediate use in the economy is $245. It is composed of $100 of wheat + $130 of flour and $15 of seed and fertilizer.

3. The intermediate use of flour is $130.

4. To produce $165 of flour, the industry pays $45 in wages and $20 in profits. This corresponds to the value added of the industry.

5. The value added in the economy is the sum of the value added of each industry, $270.

6. The uses of the milling industry is $165. For each industry, production equals use.

Source: Guide to the Income and Expenditure Accounts, Statistics Canada, catalogue no.13-017-X