Table 2.1
Demarcation of production in the Canadian System of National Accounts

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Market type Production type Activity
Market output


  • Traditional commercial activities

Concealed and underground production

  • Black market construction
  • Services provided to households and small businesses
  • Etc.

Illegal production 1

  • Contraband 1
  • Production and distribution of illegal drugs 1
  • Prostitution 1
  • Etc. 1
Non-market output

Own-account production

  • Capital formation
    • Own-account building construction
    • Machinery and tools self-fabrication
    • Internal software development
    • etc.
  • Output produced for own final use
    • Goods
      • Agricultural production
      • Primary products production (salt, peat, supply of water, etc.)1
      • Agricultural product transformation (grain threshing, milling, etc.)1
      • Other kinds of process (weaving, tailoring, pottery, etc.)1
    • Services
      • Unpaid domestic and personal services1
      • Owner-occupied production of housing services

Other non-market output

  • Collective goods
    • General government
    • Defence
    • Etc.
  • Price not economically significant
    • Education
    • Health care
    • Meals to homeless
    • Etc.

1. This item is excluded from production in the Canadian System of National Accounts.

Source: Guide to the Income and Expenditure Accounts, Statistics Canada, catalogue no.13-017-X