Table 11.2
Cross-border trucking

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Exports of goods

Imports of goods

Canadian transporter

From Canadian plant to U.S. border:
Cost to transport to border included in the value of exports

From U.S. border to U.S. plant:
Exports of transporation services

From U.S. plant to Canadian border:
Cost to transport to border included in the value of imports plus exports of transporation services

From Canadian border to Canadian plant:
Nothing applicable

U.S. transporter

From Canadian plant to U.S. border:
Cost to transport to border included in the value of exports plus imports of transportation services

From U.S. border to U.S. plant:
Nothing applicable

From U.S. plant to Canadian border:
Cost to transport to border included in the value of imports

From Canadian border to Canadian plant:
Imports of transporation services

Source: Guide to the Income and Expenditure Accounts, Statistics Canada, catalogue no.13-017-X