Table 10.3
Example of turnover calculation using wholesale trade data, November 2004 to February 2005

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  Unit 2004 2005
November December January February

Food products

Empty cell 

Inventories (seasonally adjusted)

Millions of dollars 4,269 4,167 4,306 4,413

Sales (seasonally adjusted)

Millions of dollars 6,435 6,480 6,370 6,538

Turnover period expressed as:

Empty cell 

Months of sales held in inventories (monthly inventories divided by monthly sales)

Months 0.66 0.64 0.68 0.67

Days of sales held in inventories (monthly inventories divided by monthly sales times number of days in month)

Days 19.9 19.9 21.0 18.9

Machinery and equipment

Empty cell 

Inventories (seasonally adjusted)

Millions of dollars 8,687 8,803 8,753 8,777

Sales (seasonally adjusted)

Millions of dollars 3,522 3,427 3,529 3,681

Turnover period expressed as:

Empty cell 

Months of sales held in inventories (monthly inventories divided by monthly sales)

Months 2.47 2.57 2.48 2.38

Days of sales held in inventories (monthly inventories divided by monthly sales times number of days in month)

Days 74.0 79.6 74.4 73.9

Source: Wholesale Trade, February 2005 , catalogue no. 63-008, tables 1.1 and 4.1

Source: Guide to the Income and Expenditure Accounts, Statistics Canada, catalogue no.13-017-X