Table 9.2
Gross fixed capital formation by institutional sector, 2000

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  CANSIM Table number1 Line number1 Millions of dollars

Gross fixed capital formation

Empty cell  Empty cell  Empty cell  206,272

Government sector

V498342 Table 9 Line 27 24,524

Federal government

V498390 Table 10 Line 35 3,489

Provincial governments

V498423 Table 11 Line 33 10,961

Local governments

V498451 Table 12 Line 28 10,074

Business sector

V498095 Table 2 Line 9 181,748

Persons and unincorporated businesses

V498196 Table 5 Line 31 56,475

Corporations and government business enterprises

V498234 Table 6 Line 22 125,273


V498267 Table 7 Line 6 117,710


V498291 Table 8 Line 6 7,563

1. Refers to table and line numbers as they appear in the National Income and Expenditure Accounts, catalogue no. 13-001.

Source: Guide to the Income and Expenditure Accounts, Statistics Canada, catalogue no.13-017-X