Table 8.2
Components of current expenditure on goods and services by government sub-sector, 2000

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  CANSIM Millions of dollars

Government current expenditure on goods and services

V498092 200,084

Federal government

Empty cell  Empty cell 

Gross current expenditure on goods and services

V500017 42,137


V500018 27,961


V500019 10,398

of which: military

V500020 4,292

Capital consumption allowances

V500021 3,451

Financial services indirectly measured (FSIM)

V500022 327

Minus: Sales of goods and services

V500015 4,534

Current expenditures on goods and services

Empty cell  37,603

Provincial and territorial governments

Empty cell  Empty cell 

General government and provincial non-autonomous pension plans

Empty cell  Empty cell 

Gross current expenditure on goods and services

V500137 58,370

Operating expenditures

V500138 52,723

Capital consumption allowances

V500139 5,506

Financial services indirectly measured (FSIM)

V500140 141

Minus: Sales of goods and services

V500135 6,063

Current expenditures on goods and services

Empty cell  52,307

Health and social services institutions

Empty cell  Empty cell 

Gross current expenditure on goods and services

V500207 45,489

Operating expenditures

V500208 43,652

Capital consumption allowances

V500209 1,807

Financial services indirectly measured (FSIM)

V500210 30

Minus: Sales of goods and services

V500205 5,845

Current expenditures on goods and services

Empty cell  39,644

Universities and colleges

Empty cell  Empty cell 

Gross current expenditure on goods and services

V500190 18,433

Operating expenditures

V500191 17,211

Capital consumption allowances and financial services indirectly measured (FSIM)

V500192 1,222

Minus: Sales of goods and services

V500188 6,293

Current expenditures on goods and services

Empty cell  12,140

Local governments

Empty cell  Empty cell 

Gross current expenditure on goods and services

V500240 68,705

Operating expenditures

V500241 60,340


V500242 28,520


V500243 31,820

Capital consumption allowances

V500244 8,159


V500245 6,536


V500246 1,623

Financial services indirectly measured (FSIM)

V500247 206

Minus: Sales of goods and services

V500238 10,679

Current expenditures on goods and services

Empty cell Empty cell  58,026

Canada and Quebec pension plans

Empty cell  Empty cell 

Canada Pension Plan

V499663 296

Quebec Pension Plan

V499671 68

Source: Guide to the Income and Expenditure Accounts, Statistics Canada, catalogue no.13-017-X