Table 7.9
Sources and methods of personal expenditure estimates at constant prices

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Series Title Price index for deflation or volume projector of base-year value1
J001 Furniture CPI for furniture.
J002 Floor coverings CPI for area rugs and mats.
J003 Upholstery and furniture repairs CPI for services related to household furnishings and equipment.
J004 Refrigerators and freezers CPI for refrigeration and air conditioning appliances.
J005 Washers and dryers CPI for laundry and dishwashing appliances.
J006 Stoves, ranges and microwave ovens CPI for cooking appliances.
J007  Other major appliances CPI for refrigeration and air conditioning appliances (25%).
CPI for laundry and dishwashing appliances (16%).
CPI for other household appliances (59%).
J008 Small electrical appliances CPI for electric hairstyling and personal care appliances (84%).
CPI for all other household appliances (16%).
J009 Household equipment repairs CPI for maintenance and repair and other services - household furnishings and equipment.
J010 Garden tools and equipment for outdoor maintenance CPI for household tools (including lawn, garden and snow removal equipment).
J011 New automobiles CPI for purchases of automobiles.
J012 Used motor vehicles (net value) Price index derived using the CPI for purchases of motor vehicles, the average price of used motor vehicle sales obtained from New Motor Vehicle Dealer Commodity Survey (survey no. 2008) and the average auction price of used cars reported by industry sources.
J013 New trucks and vans CPI for purchases of trucks (including vans and sport utility vehicles).
J014 Road and off-road recreational vehicles CPI for bicycles, parts and accessories (22%).
CPI for snowmobiles and outboard motors (16%).
CPI for motor homes and truck campers (13%).
CPI for other purchase of recreational vehicles (49%).
J015 Motor vehicle maintenance and repairs CPI for passenger vehicle maintenance and repair services.
J016 Motor vehicle parts and accessories CPI for passenger vehicle parts and supplies.
J017 Radios, sound systems and accessories CPI for audio equipment (63%).
CPI for purchase of pre-recorded audio and video media (37%).
J018 TV sets, video equipment and accessories CPI for video equipment (93%).
CPI for purchase of blank audio and video recording media (7%).
J019 Boats, aircraft and accessories CPI for purchase of recreational vehicles.
J020 Photographic and optical equipment CPI for digital cameras (70%).
CPI for 35-millimeter cameras (30%).
J021 Sporting and camping equipment CPI for sporting equipment (84%).
CPI for camping and picnic equipment, excluding barbecues (16%).
J022 Office machines, computers and equipment CPI for computer equipment and supplies.
J023 Musical instruments and supplies CPI for musical instruments, accessories and parts.
J024 Trailers CPI for purchase of recreational vehicles.
J025 Recreation equipment repairs CPI for other recreational equipment and services.
J026 Recreation equipment rentals CPI for rental of DVDs and videogames (88%).
CPI for other recreational equipment and services (10%).
CPI for other home entertainment equipment, parts and services (2%).
J027 Watches and jewellery CPI for jewellery, excluding watches (74%).
CPI for watches (26%).
J028 Watches and jewellery repairs CPI for other clothing services.
J051 Men's and boys' clothing CPI for men's clothing (90%).
CPI for children's clothing, including infants' (10%).
J052 Women's, girls' and infants' clothing CPI for women's clothing (88%).
CPI for children's clothing, including infants' (12%).
J053 Thread, yarn and sewing accessories CPI for clothing material and notions.
J054 Piece goods CPI for clothing material and notions.
J056  Footwear CPI for footwear.
J057  Footwear repairs CPI for shoe repairs.
J058 Luggage, leather goods and other personal effects CPI for other household equipment (45%).
CPI for other accessories (40%).
CPI for other tobacco products and smokers' supplies (15%).
J059 Toys, games and hobby supplies CPI for toys, non-video games and hobby supplies.
J060 Films and other photographic supplies CPI for other photographic equipment and supplies.
J061 Household textiles and furnishings CPI for household textiles (65%).
CPI for other furniture (35%).
J062 China, glassware and kitchenware CPI for non-electric kitchen utensils and tableware.
J063 Lamps, lighting equipment and accessories CPI for homeowners' maintenance and repairs (8%).
CPI for other furniture (79%).
CPI for other household supplies (13%).
J064 Flatware CPI for metal tableware and flatware.
J065 Hardware CPI for homeowners' material costs (85%).
CPI for hand tools, excluding lawn and garden (10%).
CPI for tenants' maintenance, repairs and other expenses (5%).
J066 Newspapers, books, magazines and stationery CPI for reading material and other printed matter, excluding textbooks (56%).
CPI for school textbooks and supplies (28%).
CPI for paper supplies (16%).
J067 Women's clothing repairs and alterations CPI for other clothing services.
J068 Pets and supplies CPI for pet food and supplies.
J069 Men's clothing repairs and alterations CPI for other clothing services.
J101 Food and non-alcoholic beverages CPI for food purchased from stores.
J102 Imputed food  CPI for food purchased from stores.
J103 Pet food CPI for pet food and supplies.
J104 Alcoholic beverages bought in stores CPI for alcoholic beverages purchased from stores.
J105 Tobacco products CPI for cigarettes combined with the price index for contraband tobacco calculated by the Income and Expenditure Accounts Division (IEAD).
J106 Electricity CPI for electricity. The constant price estimates are confronted with those calculated with the volume projector of electricity sold to households.
J107 Natural gas CPI for natural gas. The constant price estimates are confronted with those calculated with the volume projector of natural gas sold to households.
J108 Other fuels CPI for fuel oil and other fuels confronted with the weighted price of light oil, heavy fuel oil, kerosene and stove oil, natural gas liquids, coal and firewood.
J109 Soaps and other cleaning supplies CPI for detergent and soap, other than for personal care (54%).
CPI for other household chemical products (46%).
J110 Other household supplies CPI for paper, plastic and foil supplies (30%).
CPI for other household supplies (10%).
CPI for other personal care supplies and equipment (60%).
J111 Pharmaceutical products and medical goods CPI for medicinal and pharmaceutical products (75%).
CPI for optical goods (25%).
J112 Motor fuels and lubricants CPI for gasoline and other fuels (97%).
CPI for passenger vehicle maintenance and repair services (3%).
J113 Flowers, plants and other horticultural supplies CPI for seeds, plants and cut flowers (83%).
CPI for other horticultural goods (17%).
J114 Cosmetics and toiletries CPI for personal care supplies and equipment.
J151 Water, sewage and garbage charges  CPI for water.
J153  Imputed rent Quarterly value of owner-occupied housing stocks at constant prices by province and territory, derived using data from the Investment and Capital Stock Division (ICSD). The Canada estimate is obtained by summing the provincial and territorial estimates.
J154  Paid rent Quarterly value of rented and occupied housing stocks at constant prices by province and territory, derived using data from the Investment and Capital Stock Division. The Canada estimate is obtained by summing the provincial and territorial estimates.
J155 Imputed lodging Implicit price index (IPI) of paid rent (J154), calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates.
J156 Paid lodging (excluding universities) Industry Price Indexes of paid rent (J154), calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates.
J157 Lodging in universities Price index calculated from the living accommodation cost at residences according to Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics (CTCES), weighted with the number of places in residence obtained from the Directory of Canadian Universities, by university.
J158 Domestic services CPI for domestic services.
J159 Child care, in the home CPI for child care in the home.
J160 Child care, outside home CPI for day-care centres, nurseries and other child care outside the home.
J161 Laundry and dry cleaning CPI for laundry services (41%).
CPI for dry cleaning services (59%).
J162 Property insurance Volume projector for the national estimates is the sum of net premiums (premiums minus claims) and investment income at constant prices. The constant price net premiums are calculated by projecting the base year net premiums paid by households with total premiums deflated by CPI for tenants (10%) and homeowners (90%) insurance premiums, multiplied by the current year's personal ratio of net premiums. The constant price investment income is calculated by projecting the base year investment income with interest bearing assets deflated by the all-items CPI. The national Industry Price Indexes, calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates, is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates. The constant price estimates by province and territory are confronted with those derived with volume projectors based on the value of housing stocks at constant prices, obtained from Investment and Capital Stock Division, and on personal expenditure on selected durable goods.
J163 Pet care CPI for pet related services (including veterinarian services).
J164  Furniture and appliance rentals CPI for cooking appliances (41%).
CPI for refrigeration and air conditioning appliances (34%).
CPI for furniture (17%).
CPI for laundry and dishwashing appliances (8%).
J165  Janitorial services CPI for domestic services.
J166 Medical care, dental care and the like CPI for health care services.
J167 Special care facilities National price index calculated by dividing the current price estimates of labour income for hospitals, residential care and other health care facilities by the constant price estimates of labour income for those institutions. The latter are derived in the calculation of government current expenditure on goods and services at constant prices. The national Industry Price Indexes is used to derive the provincial and territorial estimates.
J168 Other health care CPI for health care services.
J169 Hospital care and the like National price index calculated by dividing the current price estimates of labour income for hospitals, residential care and other health care facilities by the constant price estimates of labour income for those institutions. The latter are derived in the calculation of government current expenditure on goods and services at constant prices. The national Industry Price Indexes is used to derive the provincial and territorial estimates.
J171 Accident and sickness insurance Volume projector for the national estimates is the sum of net premiums (premiums minus claims) and investment income at constant prices. The constant price net premiums are constructed by projecting the base year net premiums paid by households with total premiums deflated by the all-items CPI, multiplied by the current year's personal ratio of net premiums. The constant price investment income is calculated by projecting the base year investment income with interest bearing assets deflated by the all-items CPI. The national Industry Price Indexes, calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates, is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates. The constant price estimates by province and territory are confronted with those derived with a volume projector based on the number of individuals covered by various types of accident and sickness insurance, obtained from the Canadian Life and Health Insurance.
J173 Commissions paid to tour operators CPI for services.
J174 Bridge and highway tolls Price index calculated from tolls for selected bridges and highways, weighted by the personal expenditure for each of the selected bridges and highways.
J175 Auto insurance Volume projector for the national estimates is the sum of net premiums (premiums minus claims) and investment income at constant prices. The constant price net premiums are constructed by projecting the base year net premiums paid by households with total premiums deflated by the CPI for passenger vehicle insurance premiums, multiplied by the current year's personal ratio of net premiums. The constant price investment income is calculated by projecting the base year investment income with interest bearing assets deflated by the all-items CPI. The national Industry Price Indexes, calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates, is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates. The constant price estimates by province and territory are confronted with those derived with a volume projector based on the number of vehicles registered obtained from the Transportation Division.
J176 Urban transit CPI for city bus and subway transportation.
J177 Railway transport CPI for rail transportation.
J178 Interurban bus CPI for highway bus and inter-city transportation.
J179 Air transport National CPI for air transportation, confronted with the price index calculated by dividing the passenger revenue by the number of passenger-kilometers, obtained from the monthly operating reports of the major Canadian air carriers. The national Industry Price Indexes is used to deflate the provincial and territorial estimates.
J180 Water transport CPI for other inter-city transportation - ferry fares.
J181 Taxis CPI for taxi and other local and commuter transportation.
J182 Moving and storage CPI for services related to household furnishings and equipment.
J183 Telecommunications CPI for telephone services.
J184 Postal and courier services CPI for postal services and other communication services.
J185 Games of chance Personal expenditure on lotteries is deflated with the price index calculated using the ratio of sales to prizes, combined with the all-items CPI. Sales and prizes of lottery tickets are obtained from each lottery and gaming corporation. Personal expenditure on casinos, VLTs and slot machines at racetracks is deflated using the all-items CPI.
J186 Pari-mutuel  All-items CPI.
J187 Other recreational services CPI for use of recreational facilities and services (62%).
CPI for spectator entertainment, excluding cablevision (38%).
J188 University fees CPI for university tuition fees.
J189 Fees for education and training, other than university CPI for college tuition fees (70%).
CPI for other lessons, courses and education services (30%).
J190 Other educational and cultural services CPI for other lessons, courses and education services.
J191 Hairstyling for men and women CPI for personal care services.
J192 Other personal care CPI for personal care services.
J193 Meals outside the home CPI for food purchased from restaurants.
J194 Alcoholic beverages consumed in licensed establishments CPI for alcoholic beverages served in licensed establishments.
J195 Accommodation services CPI for traveller accommodation, confronted with average prices reported by Smith Travel Research and Pannell Kerr Forster Consulting Inc. The constant price estimates are confronted with those calculated using a volume projector derived from occupancy rates and the number of rooms available, obtained from the two sources listed above.
J196 Board paid CPI for food purchased from stores.
J199 Stock and bond commissions Number of shares traded on all Canadian markets, obtained from the TMX Group Inc., is used to project the national base year current price estimate. The national Industry Price Indexes, calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates, is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates.
J200 Financial intermediaries, implicit loan charges National volume projector calculated by deflating the institutions' consumer loan assets with the all-items CPI. The consumer loan assets are obtained from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI). The national Industry Price Indexes, calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates, is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates.
J201 Credit unions, implicit deposit charges National volume projector calculated by deflating the credit unions' deposit liabilities with the all-items CPI. The deposit liabilities are obtained from the Quarterly Survey of Financial Statistics for Enterprises (QFS), survey no. 2501. The national Industry Price Indexes, calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates, is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates.
J202 Life insurance National volume projector based on the number of "insurance policies in force", obtained from the OSFI. The national Industry Price Indexes, calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates, is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates.
J203 Financial intermediaries, explicit charges National price index calculated using the average weekly earnings for financial institutions, obtained from the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours (SEPH), survey no. 2612. The national Industry Price Indexes is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates.
J204 Financial intermediaries, implicit deposit charges National volume projector calculated by deflating the institutions' deposit liabilities with the all-items CPI. The deposit liabilities are obtained from the OSFI. The national Industry Price Indexes, calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates, is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates.
J205 Credit unions, explicit charges National price index calculated using the average weekly earnings for financial institutions, obtained from the Survey of Employment, Payroll and Hours. The national Industry Price Indexes is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates.
J206 Trusteed pension funds National price index calculated using the average weekly earnings for financial institutions, obtained from the Survey of Employment, Payroll and Hours. The national Industry Price Indexes is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates.
J207 Credit unions, implicit loan charges National volume projector calculated by deflating the credit unions' consumer loan assets with the all-items CPI. The consumer loan assets are obtained from the Quarterly Survey of Financial Statistics for Enterprises. The national Industry Price Indexes, calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates, is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates.
J208 Mutual funds Volume projector for the national estimates is the sum of operating expenses and commissions at constant prices. The constant price operating expenses are calculated by projecting the base year operating expenses with the asset value deflated by the all-items CPI. The constant price commissions are calculated by projecting the base year commissions with the sales of mutual fund units deflated by the all-items CPI. The national Industry Price Indexes, calculated by dividing the current price estimates by the constant price estimates, is used to calculate the provincial and territorial estimates. Data on operating expenses, investment income and asset value are obtained from financial statements of the mutual funds, commission data are obtained from the Investment Dealers Association while the Investment Funds of Canada provide data on the sales of mutual funds. 
J209 Legal, accounting and other services National price index derived from the average weekly earnings for legal services (NAICS 5411), obtained from the Survey of Employment, Payroll and Hours. The national Industry Price Indexes is used to deflate the provincial and territorial estimates.
J210 Undertaking and other funeral services National price index calculated by weighting the average weekly earnings for funeral services (NAICS 8122), obtained from the Survey of Employment, Payroll and Hours (91.4%) and the CPI for operation of passenger vehicles (8.6%). The national constant price estimates are confronted with those derived from the volume projector of the number of deaths obtained from the Demography Division. The number of deaths is the volume projector used to calculate provincial and territorial estimates.
J211 Miscellaneous household services CPI for homeowners' maintenance and repairs (50%).
CPI for services related to household furnishings and equipment (50%).
J212 Welfare and charitable organizations All-items CPI.
J213 Religious organizations All-items CPI.
J214 Trade unions All-items CPI.
J215 Travel payments abroad In the National Income and Expenditure Accounts (NIEA), a composite price index is calculated using CPIs of the United States for travel related expenditures such as air transport, accommodation and restaurants, adjusted for the exchange rate. An adjustment is also made to take into account travel spending in countries other than the US. In the Provincial and Territorial Economic Accounts (PTEA), the international component of travel payments abroad by province or territory is deflated using the same price index calculated for the National Income and Expenditure Accounts. For the interprovincial component, a composite price index is calculated by province and territory of residence of the traveller using CPIs of the provinces and territories visited for travel related expenditures. The spending in each province and territory visited is deflated with the corresponding composite price index. The constant price estimates for interprovincial travel payments of a province/territory are then obtained by summing all the deflated expenditures made in the provinces and territories visited.
J216 Spending of military personnel abroad Composite price index calculated from the all-items CPI of the United States and from the cost of living index of selected countries, adjusted for exchange rates.
J218 Travel receipts from non-residents In the National Income and Expenditure Accounts, a composite price index is calculated using CPIs for travel related expenditures of non-residents in Canada. In the Provincial and Territorial Economic Accounts, the international component of travel receipts of non-residents by province or territory is deflated using the same price index calculated for the National Income and Expenditure Accounts. For the interprovincial component, the receipts of a province or territory from travel spending of residents of other provinces and territories are deflated with a composite price index calculated using CPIs of that province or territory for travel related expenditures.
J219 Cable television and pay television CPI for cablevision and satellite services (including pay television).
J220 Political parties CPI for services excluding shelter services.
J221 Parking CPI for public parking fees.
J222 Driving lessons and membership in automobile associations CPI for all other passenger vehicle operating expenses.
J223 Motor vehicle renting CPI for rental of passenger vehicles.
J224 Cinemas CPI for motion picture showings.
J225 Photographic services CPI for photographic services.
J226 Indian bands and Inuit All-items CPI.

1. The numbers in parenthesis represent the weight assigned to each component for Canada. These weights are based mostly on data from the 2002 Survey of Household Spending.

Source: Guide to the Income and Expenditure Accounts, Statistics Canada, catalogue no.13-017-X