Table 7.2
Personal expenditure on consumer goods and services, 2000

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Empty cell  Durable goods Semi-durable goods Non-durable goods Services Total Percentage
millions of dollars at current prices
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,128 793 2,551 3,987 8,459 1.4
Prince Edward Island 289 218 658 1,133 2,298 0.4
Nova Scotia 2,148 1,392 4,702 8,393 16,635 2.8
New Brunswick 1,897 1,150 3,665 5,988 12,700 2.1
Quebec 18,898 11,811 35,174 65,304 131,187 22.0
Ontario 33,081 21,294 53,405 131,901 239,681 40.2
Manitoba 2,575 1,675 5,222 11,129 20,601 3.5
Saskatchewan 2,357 1,500 4,471 9,567 17,895 3.0
Alberta 9,341 5,669 14,512 33,752 63,274 10.6
British Columbia 10,034 6,442 18,378 46,356 81,210 13.6
Yukon 85 51 168 371 675 0.1
Northwest Territories 105 79 256 488 928 0.2
Nunavut 20 41 102 195 358 0.1
Outside Canada .. .. .. 108 108 0.0
Canada 81,958 52,115 143,264 318,672 596,009 100.0
Percentage 13.8 8.7 24.0 53.5 100.0 Empty cell 

Source: Guide to the Income and Expenditure Accounts, Statistics Canada, catalogue no.13-017-X