Statistics Canada
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Financial flows: Related products

Data tables in this publication

These tables generally include the most recent six quarters of data, in HTML format.

Data tables in other publications

These tables generally include data beginning in 1961 and can be downloaded free of charge in two spreadsheet-compatible formats: Microsoft Excel and comma-separated value (CSV) format.

These data tables provide quarterly saving and capital expenditure data linked to borrowing and lending in 32 financial instruments categories. Financial transactions are shown for 32 sectors and subsectors of the economy, such as persons and unincorporated business, financial and non-financial corporations, governments and the non-resident sector. The accounts are directly associated with the National Balance Sheet Accounts. The tables include data beginning in 1961.

Data tables on the National Economic Accounts Website

The National Economic Accounts module features an up-to-date portrait of national and provincial economies and their structure as well as more than 300 free statistical tables.

These tables generally include twelve periods of data and can be downloaded free of charge in two spreadsheet-compatible formats: tab delimited and comma-separated value (CSV) format. The data frequency and percent change can be manipulated in this display.

Data tables on CANSIM

Other related products