Step 2: Census product reference
Choose the product type from the list below that best describes your census product and click to see descriptions of the essential elements to include, as well as examples of references, shown in the order used in Statistics Canada's style.Note 1 Use the Publications search engine or Bibliocat to furnish missing information for your reference. Then go to step 3 to finish your reference in your preferred style.
Elements shown in square parentheses may not be required in all cases. An oblique (/) between two elements means that one of them must be included.
Census reference products
Essential elementsNote 2 (Examples)
Author. Year. Title 3A. [Catalogue.] [Place.] Publisher. Release./Update. [URL.] [Notes.]
Census tables and maps from the Statistics Canada website
Essential elementsNote 2, Note 3 (Examples)
Author. Year. Title 3B. [Title 2B.] [Title 2B.] Title 4A. [Catalogue.] [Place.] Publisher. Update./Release. [Pages.] URL. [Notes.]
Census graphs, tables and maps from a publication
Essential elementsNote 2 (Examples)
Author. Year. Title 1. [Title 2A.] Title 3A. [Edition.] [Editor.] Catalogue. [Place.] [Publisher.] [Pages.] [Update.] [URL.] [Notes.]
Census analysis
Essential elementsNote 2 (Examples)
Author. Year. [Title 2A.] Title 3A. Catalogue. Place. Publisher. [Pages.] [Series.] [URL.] [Notes.]
Census microdata
Essential elementsNote 2, Note 4 (Examples)
Author. Year. Computer file. Producer. Distributor. [Release.] [URL.] [Notes.]
Census boundary files
Essential elementsNote 2 (Examples)
Author. Year. Computer file. [Catalogue.] [Producer.] [Distributor.] [GIS.] [Release.] [URL.] [Notes.]
Go to step 3.
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