Longitudinal Administrative Data Dictionary, 2017
Total Income

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Total Income - StatCan Definition (XTIRC)

(1982 to present)

Total Income plus capital gains - StatCan Definition (XTIIC)

(1982 to present)

Total Income - CRA definition (TIRC_)

(1982 to present)

After Tax Income - StatCan definition (AFTAX)

(1982 to present)

After Tax income plus capital gains - StatCan definition (AFTIC)

(1982 to present)

Market Income

Market income (MKINC)

(1982 to present)

Market income, plus capital gains (MKIIC)

(1982 to present)

Employment Income

Employment Income (EI___)

(1982 to present)

Wages, Salaries and Commissions

Employment income from T4 slips (T4E__)

(1982 to present)

Commission income from T4 slips (CMIT4)

(1982 to present)

Indian exempt employment income (EXIND)

(1999 to present)

T4 slips issued to individual, number of (T4CNT)

(2000 to present)

Self-employment Income

Self-employment, net income (SEI__)

(1982 to present)

Self-employment income for registered Indian (SEIEXIND_)

(2010 to present)

Business income, net (BNET)

(1982 to present)

Professional income, net (PFNET)

(1982 to present)

Commission income, net (CMNET)

(1982 to present)

Farming income, net (FMNET)

(1982 to present)

Fishing income, net (FSNET)

(1982 to present)

Business income, gross (BGRS_)

(1982 to present)

Professional income, gross (PFGRS)

(1982 to present)

Commission income, gross (CMGRS)

(1982 to present)

Farming income, gross (FMGRS)

(1982 to present)

Fishing income gross (FSGRS)

(1982 to present)

Self-employment income from T4 slips for a shareholder (SEISHRHDR_)

(2010 to present)

Flag - Self-employment income (SEISW)

(1982 to present)

Flag - Self-employment income exemption for Indians (SEIEXINDSW_)

(2010 to present)

Other Employment Income

Other employment income (OEI__)

(1982 to present)

Investment Income

Dividends (XDIV_)

(1982 to present)

Net eligible dividends (DIVTE)

(2006 to present)

Other than eligible dividends, net (DIVTO)

(2006 to present)

Taxable amount of dividends from Canadian corporations (DIVTX)

(1982 to present)

Limited partnership income, net (LTPI_)

(1988 to present)

Interest, Rent, and other investment income

Interest on bonds, trusts, and deposits, and other investment income (INVI_)

(1982 to present)

Rental income, net (RNET_)

(1982 to present)

Rental income, gross (RGRS_)

(1982 to present)

Private Retirement Income

RRSP income (T4RSP)

(1988 to present)

RRSP income for persons aged 65 and over (RRSPO)

(1988 to present)

Pension and superannuation income (SOP4A)

(1982 to present)

Capital Gains and Losses

Capital gains or losses, net (CLKGX)

(1982 to present)

Capital gains/losses, net taxable (CLKGL)

(1982 to present)

Net capital gain or loss from bonds, debentures, etc (KGLOF)

(2009 to present)

Net capital gain or loss from real estate (KGLPF_)

(1994 to present)

Net capital gain or loss on farm, fishing foreclosure (KGLFM)

(2009 to present)

Net capital gain or loss from other foreclosures (KGLFRMCLOS_)

(2010 to present)

Capital gain or loss on qualified small business shares (SBNGLSH_)

(2010 to present)

Capital gains deferral from dispositions of shares (KGSBINVDFR_)

(2010 to present)

Business investment loss (KLCBC)

(1988 to present)

Non-taxable portion of capital gains on capital gifts (GFTP_)

(2009 to present)

Capital gain or loss on prior year reserves (KGAPPLRSVC_)

(2010 to present)

Capital gain reserve from disposition of capital property (KGHRS)


Disposition proceeds on foreclosed farm, fishing property (FRMCLOSGRS_)

(2010 to present)

Farm, fishing dispositions eligible for capital gains deduction (KGELGBFRMI_)

(2010 to 2017)

Disposition proceeds from real estate (KGREALT_)

(2013 to present)

Disposition proceeds of qualified small business shares (SBDSPGRS_)

(2010 to present)

Other market income, including non-government transfers

Total spousal and child support payments received (TALIR)

(1998 to present)

Alimony or support income (ALMI_)

(1986 to present)

Other Income (OI___)

(1982 to present)

Government Transfers Received


Transfer payment income (TRPIN)

(1982 to present)

Child Related

Child Tax Benefit (CTBI_)

(1993 to present)

Family allowance received (FA___)

(1982 to 1992)

Family benefits (FABEN)

 (1982 to present)

Benefit for disabled children (CTBDS)

(2005 to present)

Federal Universal Child Care Benefit

Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB_)

(2006 to present)

Amount of UCCB designated to dependent child (UCCBDPND_)

(2010 to present)

Provincial Child Benefits

Family benefits, British Columbia (FABC_)

(1996 only)

Quebec Family Allowance (FAQUE)

(1994 to 1996)

Disability Related

CPP/QPP disability benefits included in income (DSBCQ)

(1992 to present)

Registered disability savings plan (RDSP_)

(2008 to present)

Workers’ compensation payments (WKCPY)

(1992 to present)

Elderly Related

CPP/QPP benefits (CQPP_)

(1982 to present)

CPP receipt - number of months (CPPRTIRMTH_)

(2012 to present)


Old Age Security pension (OASP_)

(1982 to present)

Net federal supplements (NFSL_)

(1992 to present)

Provincial Seniors Supplements

Provincial Senior's Benefit (SEBEN)

(1999 to present)

Manitoba 55 PLUS program (MAN55)

(2013 to present)

Ontario guaranteed annual income system (ONGAINS_)

(2012 to present)

Employment Insurance

Employment insurance benefits (EINS_)

(1982 to present)

Regular employment insurance benefits payable (EIREG)

(2003 to present)

Employment insurance assistance for workforce re-entry (EISUP)

(2003 to present)

Social Assistance

Social assistance income (SASPY)

(1992 to present)

Federal Refundable Tax Credits

GST and FST credits (GHSTC)

(1986 to present)

Climate action incentive (CAIAMC)

(2018 to present)

Children's fitness tax credit (RCFTCC_)

(2015 to 2016)

Provincial Refundable Tax Credits

Provincial refundable tax credits (PTXC_)

(1982 to present)

British Columbia Harmonized sales tax-credit (BCHSTC_)

(2010 to present)

British Columbia Low income climate action tax credit (BCLICATC_)

(2010 to present)

British Columbia mining exploration tax credit (BCMETCC_)

(2010 to present)

British Columbia senior's home renovation tax credit (BCSENHRTC_)

(2012 to present)

British Columbia shipbuilding industry tax credit (BCSSRITC_)

(2012 to present)

Manitoba advance tuition fee income tax rebate (MBATFTCC_)

(2010 to 2017)

Manitoba community development tax credit (CEDTCRMB_)

(2014 to present)

Manitoba fertility treatment tax credit (MBFRTTCC_)

(2010 to present)

NB seniors home renovation refundable tax credit (PSHRTCC_)

(2014 to present)

Harmonized sales tax credit (HST__)

(1997 to present)

Northwest Territories, Cost of living tax credit (NTCL_)

(2011 to present)

Nova Scotia affordable living tax credit (NSALTC_)

(2010 to present)

Nova Scotia poverty reduction tax credit (NSPRTC_)

(2010 to present)

Nova Scotia volunteer firefighters tax credit (NSPTXC_)

(2010 to present)

Nova Scotia volunteer firefighters tax credit (CRA figure) (NSFIREC_)

(2011 to present)

Nunavut, Cost of living tax credit (NUCL_)

(2008 to present)

Ontario Co-operative education tax credit (ONCOP)

(2008 to present)

Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit, Energy Component (ONEPTCC_)

(2010 to present)

Ontario Sales Tax Credit (ONSTC_)

(2010 to present)

Ontario Sales Tax Transition Benefit (ONOSTTB_)

(2010 to 2012)

Ontario apprenticeship training tax credit (ONATC)

(2008 to present)

Ontario healthy home renovation tax credit (ONHHRTC_)

(2012 to 2017)

Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant (ONGRANTS_)

(2013 to present)

Prince Edward Island volunteer firefighter tax credit (PEIFIRE_)

(2012 to present)

Province assistance benefits (PSROC)

(1990 to present)

Saskatchewan Low Income Tax Credit (SLITC_)

(2010 to present)

Yukon Children Fitness tax credit (PRCFTCC_)

(2015 to present)

Yukon, First Nations tax credit claimed (YKFN_)

(2008 to present)

Yukon Children Fitness, fees plus supplement (TPRCFETCC_)

(2015 to present)

Other government transfers

Working Income Tax Benefit (WITB_)

(2007 to present)

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