Travel, transport

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  • Table 32   Travellers to Canada, by country of origin, 2009
  • Table 33   Travel by Canadians to foreign countries, 2009


  • Chart 21  Gross domestic product (GDP), selected transportation industries

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Table 32  Travellers to Canada, by country of origin, 2009
  Overnight trips
Country of origin1 Trips Nights Spending in Canada
  thousands C$ millions
United States 11,667 47,365 6,087
United Kingdom 686 9,360 894
France 389 6,351 513
Germany 292 5,161 445
Australia 188 2,644 312
Japan 180 2,468 271
Mexico 161 3,622 231
China 160 4,471 261
South Korea 131 3,450 216
India 126 2,677 119
Source: Statistics Canada, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics.


Table 33  Travel by Canadians to foreign countries, 2009
  Overnight visits
  Visits Nights Spending in country
  thousands C$ millions
United States 17,977 142,627 12,667
Mexico 1,209 12,306 1,310
Cuba 979 8,428 805
Dominican Republic 876 7,401 790
United Kingdom 873 10,503 986
France 735 8,606 906
Italy 362 3,702 484
Germany 312 2,921 265
China 264 5,441 445
Netherlands 260 2,041 195
Source: Statistics Canada, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics.


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Chart 21 GDP, selected transportation industries
Data table for chart 21