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natural log open parenthesis score close parenthesis subscript it equals alpha subscript knot plus alpha subscript 2 multiplied by E2 subscript it plus alpha subscript 3 multiplied by E3 subscript it plus alpha subscript 4 multiplied by E4 subscript it plus alpha subscript 5 multiplied by E5 subscript it plus beta subscript 1 multiplied by open parenthesis t times E1 subscript it close parenthesis plus beta subscript 2 multiplied by open parenthesis t times E2 subscript it close parenthesis plus beta subscript 3 multiplied by open parenthesis t times E3 subscript it close parenthesis plus beta subscript 4 multiplied by open parenthesis t times E4 subscript it close parenthesis plus beta subscript 5 multiplied by open parenthesis t times E5 subscript it close parenthesis plus gamma times Z subscript it plus epsilon subscript it.