Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Report, 2022
Goal 2, Zero Hunger

Release date: June 23, 2022
Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 2, Zero Hunger
Description: Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 2, Zero Hunger

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Moderate and severe food insecurity in Canada

In 2019, Nunavut had the highest food insecurity rate in Canada. The other territories had the second and third highest rates.

Table 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1. The information is grouped by Geography (appearing as row headers), Rate of food insecurity (appearing as column headers).
Geography Rate of food insecurity
Nunavut 46.1
Northwest Territories 23.1
Yukon 15.3

Of the 10 provinces, Alberta had the highest food insecurity rate in 2020 and Quebec had the lowest rate.

Table 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 2. The information is grouped by Geography (appearing as row headers), Rate of food insecurity (appearing as column headers).
Geography Rate of food insecurity
Alberta 15.1
Quebec 8.6

Social implications

In 2020, 1 in 10 families were unable to afford the food they needed.

Rates of food insecurity by family type in 2020

Table 3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 3. The information is grouped by Family type (appearing as row headers), Rate of food insecurity (appearing as column headers).
Family type Rate of food insecurity
Persons in female lone-parent families 30.0
Persons in elderly couple families 3.0

Agri-environmental sustainability

The agri-environmental indicators measure the agriculture and agri-food sector’s environmental performance. The indexes draw broad, national-level observations on the status and trends of sustainability of the agriculture and agri-food sector.

Progress of sustainability in Canadian agriculture from 2001 to 2016

Table 4
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 4. The information is grouped by Agri-environmental indicator (appearing as row headers), Percent improvement (appearing as column headers).
Agri-environmental indicator Percent improvement
Air quality 14.5
Biodiversity quality 5.9
Soil quality 2.7
Water quality 4.1

Community spotlight – Food Banks Canada

In collaboration with a supportive food bank network in Canada, Food Banks Canada provides national leadership to relieve hunger today and prevent hunger tomorrow. In March 2021, 2,332 food banks Canada-wide noted:

  • 1.3M total visits providing 3.2M meals & snacks
  • 33% of clients were children
  • 46% of households were single adult

Sources: Statistics Canada, Canadian Income Survey, 2019/2020. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Index of Agri-Environmental Sustainability. Food Banks Canada.

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