Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Report, 2022
Goal 1, No Poverty

Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 1, No Poverty
Description: Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 1, No Poverty

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

From 2019 to 2020 the poverty rate fell almost 40% to 6.4%.

Socio-economic impacts

Over 1 in 10 Indigenous persons aged 16 and older lived in poverty in 2020 - double the rate of non-Indigenous persons. People with disabilities aged 16 and older continue to be at higher risk, with a rate of 8.5% in 2020.

Table 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1. The information is grouped by Population (appearing as row headers), Poverty rate (appearing as column headers).
Population Poverty rate
Indigenous persons aged 16 and older 11.8
Persons with disabilities 8.5

Families and poverty

The child poverty rate was cut in half in 2020. Children in couple families experienced the lowest rates of poverty among all children (3%). Poverty for female lone-parent families decreased by 41% in 2020. However, they experienced more than double the poverty rates of male lone-parent families.

More than 1,400,000 lifted out of poverty since 2019 largely because of government transfers from COVID-19 relief programs.

Resilient Canadians

In 2019, 67% of Canadians had enough savingsNote 1 to cover unexpected expenses or reduced income for 3 months. Only 41% of lone-parent families could do the same.

Resilient communities

In 2020, Canada implemented disaster risk reduction strategies:

  • ✓ Sendai Framework
  • ✓ Collaboration
  • ✓ Prevention
  • ✓ Building back better

Community spotlight: Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK)

ITK is the national representational organization protecting and advancing the rights and interests of Inuit in Canada.

Percent Living in Low-Income Households in Inuit Nunangat in 2016

Table 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 2. The information is grouped by Population (appearing as row headers), Percentage (appearing as column headers).
Population Percentage
Inuit 22.5
Non-Indigenous Persons 3.1

ITK is working to capture the true depth of poverty for Inuit with Inuit-specific metrics of poverty. Their work on cost of living aims to measure costs of both modern & traditional economies. ITK will use this to develop an Inuit Poverty Reduction Strategy to target poverty in Inuit Nunangat.

Note: The Canadian Income Survey covers all individuals in Canada, excluding persons living on reserves and other Indigenous settlements in the provinces, the institutionalized population, and households in extremely remote areas with very low population density.

Source(s): Statistics Canada, Canadian Income Survey, 2019/2020. Statistics Canada, Survey of Financial Security, 2019. Statistics Canada, 2016 Census. Public Safety Canada. Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.

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