Snapshot of Canadian Veterans with Disabilities, 2022

Release date: November 6, 2024
Infographic: Snapshot of Canadian Veterans with Disabilities, 2022
Description: Snapshot of Canadian Veterans with Disabilities, 2022

In 2022, almost half (46%) of Veterans in Canada had at least one disability. Veterans aged 65 years and over had the highest rate.

Table 1 Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1 , calculated using (appearing as column headers).
  Veterans Non-Veterans
17 to 44 years 32% 20%
45 to 64 years 43% 27%
65 years and over 55% 40%

The most common types of disabilities among Veterans were pain-related, physicalNote 1 and sensoryNote 2 disabilities.

Table 2 Table summary
This table displays the results of . The information is grouped by Type of disability (appearing as row headers), , calculated using (appearing as column headers).
Type of disability Proportion of Veterans
Pain-related 72%
Physical 66%
Sensory 51%
Mental health-related 32%
Cognitive Note 3 29%

For 4 in 10 Veterans with a disability, the cause of their main condition was work-relatedNote 4

Leading work-related causes of disabilities

  • Accidents or injury (48%)
  • Stress or trauma (39%)
  • Exposure to loud noises (23%)

27% of Veterans with a disability had at least one unmet need for assistive aids, devices or technologies.

26% of Veterans with a disability received some form of disability benefit in 2022

Of these Veterans, 65% received a disability benefit from Veterans Affairs Canada

Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Survey on Disability, 2022

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