First-time mothers in Canada, 2019

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Release date: September 29, 2020
Infographic: First-time mothers in Canada, 2019
Description: First-time mothers in Canada, 2019

First-time mothers in Canada, 2019

372,038 babies were born in Canada in 2019, 42% of which were to first-time mothers.

Canadian women are waiting longer to have children.
Table summary
This table displays the results of Canadian women are waiting longer to have children.. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Average age of first-time mothers (appearing as column headers).
Year Average age of first-time mothers
1959 23.2
1969 22.6
1979 23.9
1989 25.7
1999 26.9
2009 27.7
2019 29.4

In 2019, British Columbians waited the longest before having their first child.

Average age of first-time mothers by province and territory
Table summary
This table displays the results of Average age of first-time mothers by province and territory. The information is grouped by Province/Territory (appearing as row headers), Average age of first-time mothers (years) (appearing as column headers).
Province/Territory Average age of first-time mothers (years)
Newfoundland and Labrador 28.2
Prince Edward Island 28.0
Nova Scotia 28.3
New Brunswick 27.4
Quebec 29.0
Ontario 29.9
Manitoba 27.9
Saskatchewan 27.3
Alberta 29.2
British Columbia 30.4
Northwest Territories 28.3
Nunavut 21.7

The percentage of first-time mothers under the age of 25 dropped from 68% in 1959 to 17% in 2019.

Age distribution of first-time mothers in 1959 and 2019
Table summary
This table displays the results of Age distribution of first-time mothers in 1959 and 2019 Age distribution of first-time mothers in 1959 and Age distribution of first-time mothers in 2019 (appearing as column headers).
Age distribution of first-time mothers in 1959 Age distribution of first-time mothers in 2019
19 and under 23% 3%
20 to 24 45% 14%
25 to 29 21% 33%
30 to 34 8% 34%
35 and over 3% 16%

In 2019, older first-time mothers were more likely to have twins, triplets or more.
Table summary
This table displays the results of In 2019. The information is grouped by Age Group (appearing as row headers), % of first-time mothers who gave birth to multiples (appearing as column headers).
Age Group % of first-time mothers who gave birth to multiples
19 and under 0.6
20 to 24 1.1
25 to 29 1.2
30 to 34 1.8
35 to 39 2.5
40 and over 4.3

Note: 2019 data for births occurring in or to residents of Yukon are not available.

Source: Canadian Vital Statistics: Birth Database.

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