Canada's Trade with G7 Countries

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Release date: June 8, 2018
Infographic: Canada's Trade with G7 Countries
Description: Canada's Trade with G7 Countries
Imports and exports with G7 countries
Country 2017 exports 2017 imports
($ billion)
Top exported product Services
($ billion)
Total exports
($ billion)
($ billion)
Top imported product Services
($ billion)
Total imports
($ billion)
France 3.5 Iron ores and concentrates 2.9 6.4 4.6 Wine and brandy 3.3 7.9
Germany 4.4 Precious metals, jewellery, and gems 2.2 6.6 15.2 Passenger cars 2.6 17.8
Italy 2.4 Pharmaceutical products 0.5 2.8 6.1 Wine and brandy 1.2 7.3
Japan 12.2 Coal 1.9 14 13.6 Passenger cars 2.6 16.1
United Kingdom 18.7 Unwrought gold 6.4 25.1 8.1 Aircraft parts and equipment 8 16.1
United States 410.8 Crude oil 61.8 472.6 370.7 Light-duty trucks, vans and SUVs 75.7 446.4

Did you know?

  • Canada's total trade (imports plus exports) of goods and services with G7 countries was over $1 trillion in 2017, representing more than three quarters of Canada's total trade with the world.
  • Excluding the United States, in 2017 Germany was the G7 country from which the highest number of Canadian enterprises imported, and the United Kingdom was the G7 country to which the highest number of Canadian enterprises exported.
  • In 2017, Canada held direct investment worth $633 billion in the other G7 economies, exceeding the direct investment of $508 billion held by other G7 countries in Canada.
  • Among the G7 countries, Canada has a travel services deficit with the UK, US, France and Italy, meaning that Canadians are spending more on their trips to these destinations than the residents of these countries are spending on their trips to Canada. Canada has a travel services surplus with Germany and Japan.

For more information related to Canada's statistics with the G7 member countries, see Canada and the World Statistics Hub.

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