Table 6-2
Energy-saving use, by household and dwelling characteristics, 2007 — Size of heated area

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Size of heated area
  Less than 56 square metres and less than 600  square feet  56 to less than   93 square metres and  600 to less than 1,000  square feet 93 to less than  139 square metres and  1,000 to less than 1,500  square feet 139 to less than  186 square metres and  1,500 to less than 2,000  square feet 186 to less than  232 square metres and  2,000 to less than 2,500  square feet 232  square metres or more and 2,500  square feet or more All house- holds
Used a programmable thermostat 1 30 E 22 36 43 47 51 36
Used 5 or more CFLs 16 E 25 35 38 43 43 33
Washed and rinsed laundry in cold water 2 50 49 48 47 46 43 47
Turned computer monitor off when not in use 3 65 56 58 58 56 46 57
Turned off fireplace pilot in summer 4 F 32 44 42 56 51 44
Air dried dishes in dishwasher (door open) 5 F 16 14 11 12 10 E 13
Used dimmers on household lights 24 38 53 57 62 65 50
Unplugged electronics when away for extended periods 46 53 57 58 57 63 56
Reduced heating or cooling in areas of the dwelling 49 55 63 64 69 69 61
Used a clothesline or drying rack 48 57 66 65 66 64 63
Used fans for cooling in summer 62 66 67 69 64 65 66
Closed blinds or drapes during the hottest part of the day 83 80 87 85 88 85 85
As a proportion of households that had one or more thermostats in their dwelling.
As a proportion of households that used a washer in their dwelling.
As a proportion of households that had a desktop computer in their dwelling.
As a proportion of households that had a gas-burning fireplace in their dwelling.
As a proportion of households that had a dishwasher in their dwelling.
The heated area of a dwelling excludes basements and garages.
Statistics Canada, Households and the Environment Survey: Energy Use, 2007, Catalogue no. 11-526-S.