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    Provincial S&T activities

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    Like the federal government, provincial governments support and undertake activities in science and technology (S&T). And, like the federal government, the majority of provincial funding is directed at research and development (R&D). Figures on provincial spending include expenditures from the governments of New Brunswick, Quebec (for R&D only), Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.

    In 2008/2009, the S&T funding from the six participating provinces was directed mainly toward protection and improvement of human health ($505.6 million), basic research ($337.8 million) and control and care of the environment ($293.2 million).

    Ontario ($866.6 million) and Alberta ($622.7 million) spent the most on overall S&T activities. For Alberta, this was a near doubling of its 2004/2005 expenditures of $362.6 million.

    For R&D expenditures in 2008/2009, the leading provinces were Ontario ($514.2 million), Quebec ($511.7 million) and Alberta ($407.3 million).

    Chart 27.2 Provincial government expenditures on scientific activities, by activity
    View data source for chart 27.2

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