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Table 30.3 Shipping activities at Canadian ports, tonnage loaded and unloaded, 1994 to 2006

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Table 30.3 Shipping activities at Canadian ports, tonnage loaded and unloaded, 1994 to 2006
  Total Domestic United States Other international
  thousands of tonnes
Total handled        
1994 351,316 104,368 78,801 168,147
1995 360,455 100,740 85,198 174,518
1996 357,513 97,649 88,484 171,379
1997 376,067 93,418 94,313 188,337
1998 376,032 96,607 100,060 179,364
1999 385,597 104,398 101,983 179,216
2000 402,783 109,020 108,794 184,969
2001 394,701 107,842 107,955 178,904
2002 408,141 125,407 114,310 168,424
2003 443,779 137,079 123,366 183,335
2004 453,280 138,206 123,329 191,746
2005 471,268 140,356 128,681 202,231
2006 466,277 136,210 126,717 203,350
1994 222,222 52,184 49,520 120,518
1995 226,910 50,370 49,939 126,601
1996 223,096 48,825 52,399 121,873
1997 234,653 46,709 56,891 131,054
1998 227,346 48,304 58,872 120,171
1999 231,847 52,199 59,727 119,921
2000 242,351 54,507 64,744 123,099
2001 228,663 53,939 62,038 112,685
2002 237,051 62,780 72,867 101,404
2003 259,872 68,485 81,180 110,207
2004 265,126 69,096 83,720 112,310
2005 271,978 70,224 85,767 115,987
2006 274,088 68,080 84,378 121,629
1994 129,094 52,184 29,282 47,629
1995 133,546 50,370 35,259 47,917
1996 134,416 48,825 36,085 49,506
1997 141,414 46,709 37,423 57,283
1998 148,686 48,304 41,189 59,194
1999 153,750 52,199 42,256 59,295
2000 160,432 54,513 44,050 61,869
2001 166,038 53,903 45,917 66,219
2002 171,091 62,626 41,444 67,020
2003 183,908 68,594 42,186 73,128
2004 188,155 69,110 39,609 79,436
2005 199,290 70,132 42,914 86,245
2006 192,190 68,130 42,339 81,720
Source: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 54-205-X.