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Table 7.9 Adult criminal court cases, by type of sentence, 2006

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Table 7.9  Adult criminal court cases, by type of sentence, 2006
  Total guilty cases Prison Conditional sentence Probation Fine Restitution Other sentences
Total offences 242,988 83,043 9,878 105,415 73,513 7,490 118,873
Total Criminal Code offences 214,163 75,460 8,008 96,967 60,218 7,369 107,316
Criminal Code (excluding traffic offences) 173,670 68,684 7,236 90,838 29,197 7,180 78,834
Crimes against the person 48,329 15,111 2,581 35,126 4,160 781 30,663
Homicide 140 115 3 12 0 0 87
Attempted murder 43 30 1 7 1 0 18
Robbery 2,900 2,249 245 1,322 15 101 1,391
Sexual assault 1,519 753 244 999 52 7 709
Other sexual offences 722 448 100 483 12 6 284
Major assault1 10,536 4,485 937 7,119 925 244 5,795
Common assault2 21,837 3,519 661 16,953 2,227 332 16,181
Uttering threats 8,021 2,623 257 6,131 786 59 4,587
Criminal harassment 1,459 392 59 1,264 82 12 1,038
Other crimes against the person 1,152 497 74 836 60 20 573
Crimes against property 59,318 24,273 3,112 31,991 9,329 5,963 24,842
Theft 25,119 9,940 1,100 12,219 4,980 1,466 10,403
Break and enter 8,293 5,031 691 5,015 340 629 2,481
Fraud 10,001 3,580 870 6,030 1,207 1,889 4,447
Mischief 7,665 1,624 109 5,057 1,387 1,590 4,717
Possess stolen property 7,768 3,877 283 3,404 1,354 346 2,617
Other property crimes 472 221 59 266 61 43 177
Administration of justice 46,415 22,270 917 14,045 11,213 289 14,185
Other Criminal Code offences 19,608 7,030 626 9,676 4,495 147 9,144
Criminal Code traffic offences 40,493 6,776 772 6,129 31,021 189 28,482
Impaired driving 32,594 3,319 296 3,664 27,904 80 24,087
Other Criminal Code traffic offences 7,899 3,457 476 2,465 3,117 109 4,395
Other federal statutes 28,825 7,583 1,870 8,448 13,295 121 11,557
Drug possession 7,628 1,210 81 2,342 3,818 13 4,336
Drug trafficking 6,051 2,896 1,733 1,693 535 49 4,108
Youth Criminal Justice Act 817 263 11 273 264 11 297
Residual federal statute offences 14,329 3,214 45 4,140 8,678 48 2,816
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM table 252-0046.