Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Table 12.1-4
Provincial accounts — Final domestic demand in chained 2002 dollars

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Final domestic demand in chained 2002 dollars: Part 1
  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec
v15855431 v15855479 v15855533 v15855587 v15855641 v15855695
  millions of dollars
2003 1,145,954 17,720 4,528 32,631 23,861 248,234
2004 1,191,041 18,317 4,622 33,103 24,555 258,152
2005 1,243,631 18,813 4,726 33,934 25,219 263,645
2006 1,299,576 18,789 4,891 34,898 26,802 270,434
2007 1,353,135 19,174 5,129 35,631 27,812 282,477
2008 1,388,959 19,843 5,248 36,545 28,689 291,806
Final domestic demand in chained 2002 dollars: Part 2
  Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia
v15855749 v15855803 v15855857 v15855911 v15855965
  millions of dollars
2003 445,566 38,395 35,098 144,371 148,583
2004 460,975 39,670 35,665 152,531 155,974
2005 477,062 40,594 37,614 170,639 163,693
2006 494,944 42,081 39,770 184,481 174,286
2007 513,022 44,168 42,044 193,438 181,403
2008 522,665 46,354 44,746 197,278 186,277
Client services (613-951-3640). CANSIM table: 384-0002.