Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Table 5.1-4
Gross domestic product — and net product

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and net product
  GNP at market prices + Net investment income to non-residents = GDP at market prices - Taxes, less subsidies on products - Capital consumption allowances - Statistical discrepancy = Net domestic product at basic prices
v499688 v499687 v498074 v1997473 v498084 v498085 v1997472
  millions of dollars
2008 1,581,013 18,595 1,599,608 94,840 209,383 10 1,295,375
2009 1,505,817 21,441 1,527,258 93,030 218,785 -466 1,215,909
Second quarter 2008 1,607,864 11,468 1,619,332 95,848 207,892 -1,052 1,316,644
Third quarter 2008 1,614,772 20,884 1,635,656 96,416 211,228 -628 1,328,640
Fourth quarter 2008 1,537,416 30,732 1,568,148 92,924 214,148 1,236 1,259,840
First quarter 2009 1,495,632 19,532 1,515,164 90,932 215,808 716 1,207,708
Second quarter 2009 1,484,516 23,264 1,507,780 93,112 217,368 -832 1,198,132
Third quarter 2009 1,505,944 18,916 1,524,860 93,480 219,672 -1,704 1,213,412
Fourth quarter 2009 1,537,176 24,052 1,561,228 94,596 222,292 -44 1,244,384
First quarter 2010 1,574,072 23,712 1,597,784 96,404 224,852 -308 1,276,836
Second quarter 2010 1,589,964 19,160 1,609,124 96,508 227,812 1,276 1,283,528
Quarterly data in the Income and Expenditure Accounts, when presented in this table, are seasonally adjusted at annual rates.
Client services (613-951-3640). CANSIM tables: 380-0001,380-0015,380-0030.